live a few blocks away from there... wouldnt say its that bad.
not like south central or nothin
Reasons to fish this place:
you might catch some fish
Reasons not to fish this place:
somebody might jack your car, steal your rods, mug you, and throw you into dirty water
darn... i'll pass
Reasons to fish this place:
you might catch some fish
Reasons not to fish this place:
somebody might jack your car, steal your rods, mug you, and throw you into dirty water
darn... i'll pass
Sorry But This Statement Is Very Negative.
Any Place You Go To Any Of Those Stuff Can Happen.
Same Can Be Said About The Ghetto In Scarbrough, Queen St, Lower Dufferin And Pretty Much Everywhere.
What the hell ? what ghetto in Scartown you talking about ?
I live in Scarborough and its far from being a Ghetto..
Sheesh i hate people who give scartown a bad rap... I've lived here for 14 years and have seen only 1 shoot out...
Jane and FInch every night LOL..
LoL@ some of these comments...
I grew up and lived in Downtown T.O, for almost 32 years... I bought a home in north york/scarborough border about 4-5 years ago and I can say that scarbs really isn't that bad..
Its actually a lot nicer then living downtown and there is tonnes of green space..
-Yes there are area's that are questionable.. but that goes with almost every town/city.
Fish On Gents!
Well, well efka, are we not exaggerating a bit here?? And scaring people for no reason?Reasons to fish this place:
you might catch some fish
Reasons not to fish this place:
somebody might jack your car, steal your rods, mug you, and throw you into dirty water
darn... i'll pass