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Late May Algonquin Fishing

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#1 Capt



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Posted 25 April 2008 - 03:44 PM

Hi guys. I've got about a month before I head to Mew Lake campground in Algonquin for a few days. First time up there so I really don't know what to expect.

Unfortunately I will probably just be fishing from shore. Any good advice for me? I'm wondering what fish to go for, what areas to go to, what kind of lures to use, etc. I don't mind driving to different locations and the Jeeps should help me get into some less traveled areas if necessary.

Thanks for any help!
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#2 openfire



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Posted 25 April 2008 - 06:30 PM

I've never been to Algonquin, but I do know that there are lots or brook trout and lake trout. You may have better luck if you rent a canoe and portage. If anyone else has any info, please chime in.
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#3 Capt



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Posted 05 May 2008 - 10:22 PM

Thanks Openfire. I haven't done much trout fishing so I'll have to do some reading. If I find any good info with google or whatever I'll be sure to share it here.
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#4 Spinninreel



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Posted 05 May 2008 - 10:42 PM

Bring lots of bug repellent, because the black flies will be out in full force!
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#5 Bigfisherman



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Posted 06 May 2008 - 10:35 AM

Hi guys. I've got about a month before I head to Mew Lake campground in Algonquin for a few days. First time up there so I really don't know what to expect.

Unfortunately I will probably just be fishing from shore. Any good advice for me? I'm wondering what fish to go for, what areas to go to, what kind of lures to use, etc. I don't mind driving to different locations and the Jeeps should help me get into some less traveled areas if necessary.

Thanks for any help!

Make sure to test out all your equipment before you head out, and insure you have a backup of some sort or extra line etc...if its trout your going to be fishing for lures you would need are small #1 & #1 mepps and alike use 4# test line if its trout under 13-15"s, waders or a good set of boots, and as Spinninreel said lots of bug repellent.
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#6 Capt



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Posted 06 May 2008 - 11:00 PM

Thanks for the tips guys. Unfortunately I just got some bad news that we're going to have to cancel the trip. I'm hoping we can still go for a couple days somewhere closer. And it'd be nice to reschedule Algonquin for a time later in the year too. :)
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#7 HyperFox



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Posted 07 May 2008 - 07:44 AM

Ill echo the before posts. TONS of Bug dope. Make sure it has DEET. I prefer Deep woods off. The army gives us some really excellent stuff.. But it will strip paint off a vehicle if left on for a while.
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