Dunnville Catfishing?

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2008
Hey all!

I am picking up my boat in a couple of weekends in Port Colborne. It will be a weekend, and since I was already in the area, I was thinking of heading over to Dunnville and expeiencing some of the catfishing in the Grand. I was wondering if anyone could give me a few tips to point me in the right direction on the river in terms of spots to try, or things to look for as far as good channel cat spots go. Also, type(s) of bait to try for these guys.

Thanks in advance!
teninchman said:
Hey all!

I am picking up my boat in a couple of weekends in Port Colborne. It will be a weekend, and since I was already in the area, I was thinking of heading over to Dunnville and expeiencing some of the catfishing in the Grand. I was wondering if anyone could give me a few tips to point me in the right direction on the river in terms of spots to try, or things to look for as far as good channel cat spots go. Also, type(s) of bait to try for these guys.

Thanks in advance!

Cool, don't know much about Dunnville but I plan to go there to scout it out soon(maybe this weekend) and fish for walleye after the opener. Congrats on the new boat if you don't mind sharing what boat did u get?
teninchman said:
Hey all!

I am picking up my boat in a couple of weekends in Port Colborne. It will be a weekend, and since I was already in the area, I was thinking of heading over to Dunnville and expeiencing some of the catfishing in the Grand. I was wondering if anyone could give me a few tips to point me in the right direction on the river in terms of spots to try, or things to look for as far as good channel cat spots go. Also, type(s) of bait to try for these guys.

Thanks in advance!

I was in Dunnville last year, but fishing from shore - so sorry but I can not give you tips about good river spots. From what I learned , April is the best time to go fishing for channel catfish there.
I would suggest you try cut baits - this is what worked well for me, but also live minnows, .
Catfish were a long time ago but I remember the hook was very important if you want to release them after.

A very round hook shank if that's the right word. Helps to get them hooked in the corner of the mouth and not way down there throat. For a couple of bucks takes away a potential problem. All I can add about catfish!

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YAWN said:
Catfish were a long time ago but I remember the hook was very important if you want to release them after.

A very round hook shank if that's the right word. Helps to get them hooked in the corner of the mouth and not way down there throat. For a couple of bucks takes away a potential problem. All I can add about catfish!


I think what you are trying to say is : use so called "circle " hooks ?

Yeap, that would be very good suggestion.
Thanks guys.

Bigfisherman, I got a 19' Smokercraft Millentia. I purchased it this past Spring at the Boat Show. I can't wait to pick it up.
teninchman said:
Thanks guys.

Bigfisherman, I got a 19' Smokercraft Millentia. I purchased it this past Spring at the Boat Show. I can't wait to pick it up.

Awesome thats a very nice boat!!
when u get to dunnville, stop by fishmasters bait and tackle. hes rite on the river, has a boat launch on site for $5 parking included. hes a good buddy of mine and knows the river as good as anyone. try fishing creek mouths, deeper holes, flats. cut bait works best out there, talk to steve at the shop, he should have some. sells fast though. setup is simple, use a stout rod, i use my muskie gear. 50lb braid line. run a 2-3oz slip sinker on ur main line, then tie on a barrel swivel, nothin major but make sure its good quality and strong, will stop the sinker from sliding to the hook and help with line twist when the cats roll. then tie on a 12-18 inch leader, no longer then that, but can go down to 8" if u want. i use 25lb mono, u can use more or less. some people use 20-25lb flouro. but the mono works fine and its cheaper. then the business end, attach a 5/0 circle hook. bait holder works well too, but u have to set the hook with that, the circle hook will usually let the cat hook itself. then put a chunk of cutbait on, toss out ur line, and relax... till a fish bites, then hold on and have fun!
Just see what UglyFish wrote - he is the best to ask about Dunville fishing and to follow his advice.
UglyFish said:
when u get to dunnville, stop by fishmasters bait and tackle......

Hey UglyFish - how are you buddy??

I will be going there in 1-3 weeks time for sure. Are you still working there, if so that I can make sure to drop by and say hi ?
How is cat fishing there right now? Is there again some competition going on like last year?
fishing is hot rite now, lots of big cats being pulled in. the catfish derby starts tomorrow and runs to may 10th. cash prizes for top 3 fish weighed in. 20 bucks each ticket, last years winner won over 600 bucks! 21.9lb cat. that should be beat this year, there were fish over 26lbs last year, just not weighed in for the derby. use the set up i mentioned, get cutbait from the shop and ur on ur way!
halleb said:
UglyFish said:
when u get to dunnville, stop by fishmasters bait and tackle......

Hey UglyFish - how are you buddy??

I will be going there in 1-3 weeks time for sure. Are you still working there, if so that I can make sure to drop by and say hi ?
How is cat fishing there right now? Is there again some competition going on like last year?

You are not just going to walk in and say... who here is UglyFish? are you?

Would be nice to know his real name. :roll:
lol name is Darrell. i likely will not be workin there this summer, due to another job i have as well, but i will be out there fishing quite a bit. if u see a dark blue dodge dakota quad cab there, thats my truck. love to meet any board members. i should be there thursday to do some fishing. if im not there workin, then it will either be steve or bernadette workin the store. good friends of mine and the owners. always ready with advice and areas to fish if ya need some help!
MikeyMikey said:
You are not just going to walk in and say... who here is UglyFish? are you?

Would be nice to know his real name. :roll:

I was not going to, but he was faster and "mystery" is solved now. :p

Speaking of names, how about your name? Hm ?
halleb said:
MikeyMikey said:
You are not just going to walk in and say... who here is UglyFish? are you?

Would be nice to know his real name. :roll:

I was not going to, but he was faster and "mystery" is solved now. :p

Speaking of names, how about your name? Hm ?

Do you really have to ask for my name?

By the way, let me know when you plan to drive down there... as I may go there with my co-worker. :D Maybe we'll make it a same day/time.
MikeyMikey said:
Do you really have to ask for my name?

No, not really, only if you volunteer to reveal it :D

MikeyMikey said:
By the way, let me know when you plan to drive down there... as I may go there with my co-worker. :roll: Maybe we'll make it a same day/time.

I am thinking of going down there on April 17 or 18 , or one week after that - on April 24 or 25. I will let you know several days in advance - for sure.

The only thing to mention is, when I go there, I will not stay only for one day -it just does not pay off for me to make long trip and to be coming back the same day. What I usually do is - I go one day - mid day or in afternoon, then fish afternoon & night (for channel catfish), get up early next day & fish for channel catfish til - say mid day, then I switch to another location (in Dunvville) and continue fishing for carp. Return home - evening or at night.
MikeyMikey said:
halleb said:
MikeyMikey said:
You are not just going to walk in and say... who here is UglyFish? are you?

Would be nice to know his real name. :roll:

I was not going to, but he was faster and "mystery" is solved now. :p

Speaking of names, how about your name? Hm ?

Do you really have to ask for my name?

By the way, let me know when you plan to drive down there... as I may go there with my co-worker. :D Maybe we'll make it a same day/time.

well, this is just a totally random guess with no evidence to support it, but i think his name might be mikey
halleb said:
MikeyMikey said:
Do you really have to ask for my name?

No, not really, only if you volunteer to reveal it :D

MikeyMikey said:
By the way, let me know when you plan to drive down there... as I may go there with my co-worker. :roll: Maybe we'll make it a same day/time.

I am thinking of going down there on April 17 or 18 , or one week after that - on April 24 or 25. I will let you know several days in advance - for sure.

The only thing to mention is, when I go there, I will not stay only for one day -it just does not pay off for me to make long trip and to be coming back the same day. What I usually do is - I go one day - mid day or in afternoon, then fish afternoon & night (for channel catfish), get up early next day & fish for channel catfish til - say mid day, then I switch to another location (in Dunvville) and continue fishing for carp. Return home - evening or at night.

Sleep in your van, eh? Like you did last year with your son.