No fish at Highland Creek

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Rapala Boy

Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2010
There's no salmon at highland creek yet and the person that said they caught one at "Lawson park" at highland creek was probably not really at Highland Creek! I checked out the creek and checked it real good. There's no way salmon would be able to pass some of the obstructions!

I think Octobers the time.
There was salmon is highland creek like 2 weeks ago when I caught it but I return on friday there was none it prolly need to rain again, I also check the mouth the water is murky and their is no fish
I caught this one like 3 weeks ago with my gf you just have to find a pool where theres alot of water theirs one right beside the parking lot


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rcflores said:
I caught this one like 3 weeks ago with my gf you just have to find a pool where theres alot of water theirs one right beside the parking lot

Nice fish. What parking lot is that btw?
openfire said:
rcflores said:
I caught this one like 3 weeks ago with my gf you just have to find a pool where theres alot of water theirs one right beside the parking lot

Nice fish. What parking lot is that btw?
sup openfire its just in lawson bro go to the very end parking theirs a pool there which always hold a salmon and if you walk a lil bit where you see the man made stones are the pool is pretty deep there and theirs always fish when the run is on
You mean Lawson rd? I checked google maps, but I can't find that parking lot. lol
openfire said:
You mean Lawson rd? I checked google maps, but I can't find that parking lot. lol
lolz ohhh yeh its hard to find it took me a while before I found it!! well if ur in kingston and exit in lawson, after you exit turm right on the first road then you will see this entrace and you will go down the hill ehehe park at the very end you will see a bunch of ppl fishing, however I went last week and theirs no fish but now their probably their my favorite spot in highland creek is in the mouth because its such a small area and sometimes theres like 20 - 30 salmon concentrated in a small area
Is the mouth of highland creek accessible? Looks pretty far from any parking.

I see a parking lot at Beechgrove Dr and Copperfield Rd.
frozenfire said:
Is the mouth of highland creek accessible? Looks pretty far from any parking.

I see a parking lot at Beechgrove Dr and Copperfield Rd.
the walk is prfetty far about 15 min from the power plant but its all worth it when the salmon are there they just stay in one little area, unlikew the credit, bronte and other river the mouth of the highland is small and the fish is concentrated