Steelhead jigs

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Jun 24, 2007
here is a guide how to make your own trout jigs.
these are 3 types of trout jigs that most steelheaders use 85% of time, in different colors and sizes.

first is the famous woolly bugger.
if any fly fisherman would have to choose one fly, this would be it.
some tie it on a regular hook sliding the bead on it when fly fishing, i like it on the jig hook. why, it stays in horizontal position when i float fish.


attach the bead using a pin needle


some marabou to make a tail


now we tie in the hackle (i use grizzly sadle ) and chenille at the end


wrap the chenille towards the jig head and tie it


now do the same with the hackle
whip finish the jig, and add a drop of nail polish

marabou jig

pretty simple and effective jig

when tying marabou jigs, i don't wrap all the way to the end


apply some marabou, don't take too many marabou strungs as it will not hold as good as doing few at a time.


on this jig i will use 2 colours, it will be easier to see
try not to over do and make your jig too big


add few more strungs and whip finish

rabbit fur jigs

very simple and again effective for trout
can be tied in different colours


there are two kinds of rabbit stips that you can buy,
regular cut and cross cut.
i use crosscut, they hair will lay back after each wrap
regular or straight strips makes the jig look like a fur ball

attach the end of the strip and wrap your thread around to the jig head


when you reach the head give a couple of thread wraps, cut the strip and whip finish the jig


good luck
Excellent posts Efka, this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks! (I'll probably have a few follow up questions soon)
Nice thread efka. This year, I started tying my own jigs as well.
I have yet to catch a fish on something I created though :(
okay, the thing with jigs is that you have to fish them higher up in the water colum. Also you should always fish them with over whelming confidence and i mean a LOT of confidence. that means just keep at it, drift the darn thing a hundred times and actually a hundred times. also jigs tend to make the bigger fish want to bite, especially when they are stale and have seen a lot of different things. one thing about tying jigs is that they should be balanced well and have a bead that matches the hook size. i use a size 6 hook and 3/16 bead. it makes a huge difference. one way to build confidence in your own jigs is to use colours that have produced in the past. i have had a lot of success with the jigs i copied from top producing fly patterns or even staple patterns on jig hooks. small nymphs and even minnows ( i like polar fiber for these ) have been sweet for me. good luck

marabou jig

pretty simple and effective jig

when tying marabou jigs, i don't wrap all the way to the end


apply some marabou, don't take too many marabou strungs as it will not hold as good as doing few at a time.


on this jig i will use 2 colours, it will be easier to see
try not to over do and make your jig too big


add few more strungs and whip finish


Will these jigs catch any fish other than steelhead?
quick question. You say add a drop of nail polish? This is what you use as an adhesive/ sealer on the final wraps and tie of the string?

Some detail on this please :)
Those flies are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! If i tied those i would put them in a picture frame and put in my living room!!!!! :grin:

Nicely done. One thing that I love to do for aggressive trout is fly fish with jigs (tied with straight flashabou) with my fly rod, the takes are insanely aggressive.
Nice demos, I love how everyone has their own procedure for tying jigs.

For instance you wrap the shank then secure the bead pin. I secure the pin on the 1st thread wrap, secure with head cement then start layering.

Gonna give your way a shot, why? I'm addicted to knowledge!
ChasinTails said:
thanks a ton efka, will these work under a float or just on the fly ?
Under a float. Here a wooly bugger I tied yesterday thanks to efka


Ewwww she's comin' along.