Yes the rouge is open south of the cnr tracks as well as highway 2 right now and no there are no trout running up it right now. Youll be lucky to catch a cold. In fact the only thing ive caught there is herpes. How your wondering? well lets just say i got carried away hugging trees and one of us forgot to use protection. So whatever you do dont fish the rouge, unles your into that kinda thing than go for it.Hi, i'm just wondering if the Rouge River have any trout running at the moment? I live in downtown now and i have never been there for trout before, only once for bass.
And just to confirm, I can only fish under the cn tracks at this time right?
hi sorry i'm new to the forum. If from what I said though, I think is ok? I just mentioned if there was any fish in the Rouge, and confirming if it is only fishable below the cn tracks. As long as I don't say something like under the bridge holds fish.
On another note, i did go out to the rouge to check it out yesterday, and had no luck. the water was extremely milky. (hope this is alright)
According to forum rules above, I don't think it's appropriate to discuss specifics like this on the public forums. It's better to keep it to member PMs. Posting comments about it should receive more attention than it should is just asking for 50 people on the Rouge, which it can definitely not sustain.
Yes the rouge is open north of the toronto zoo right now and maybe there are trout running up it right now. Bad place to fish if you time it right, probably going to get as much attention as it shouldnt.
Some of us are responsible anglers and there are others who don't care and want to just fish and keep as many hens as possible. How many hens are enough? There wasn't any problem with the OP's question, it was how it got answered. Just a simple, yes or no would suffice. But to say that there's fish and then question why it doesn't get fished more than it should is just asking for the lurkers and meat hunters for a free for all buffet.
I don't know why you compare the Whirlpool with the Rouge, where one system of water is many times larger than the other and can sustain many more anglers. With this out in the open, don't be surprised to see the Rouge stripped dry and people complain why there aren't any fish there anymore.
Again, this topic of conversation should only reside in PMs or private forums–away from lurkers and meat hunters.
Some of us are responsible anglers and there are others who don't care and want to just fish and keep as many hens as possible. How many hens are enough? There wasn't any problem with the OP's question, it was how it got answered. Just a simple, yes or no would suffice. But to say that there's fish and then question why it doesn't get fished more than it should is just asking for the lurkers and meat hunters for a free for all buffet.
I don't know why you compare the Whirlpool with the Rouge, where one system of water is many times larger than the other and can sustain many more anglers. With this out in the open, don't be surprised to see the Rouge stripped dry and people complain why there aren't any fish there anymore.
Again, this topic of conversation should only reside in PMs or private forums–away from lurkers and meat hunters.
the rule shoud be don't mention the name of place where u go fishin period. I can see a decline of fishin reports for a few months now. I cought a fish here show a little background and boom 40 guys fishin that spot by 6 am. Even when u say a name of river/creek some places are very small that it dosn't take a rocket science to find where most fish are holding. Now that the opener is among us thank god we have more open water to work with, and less idiots to run into.
i understand where your all comeing from.
and i do agree, no names of anything should be used,
but, this is a fishing fourm. i personaly had no clue as where to go to fish for trout other then "my" spots,
now that i have joined and read alot, i know soo many more places now.
and yes i do have a licence,
maybe there should be some way of verifying that people have a fishing licence before join the fourms...??? or read in depth post about fishing and river names....?
i have no peoplem calling MNR with a list of licence ## to verify, to make sure readers have valid cards...
Some of us are responsible anglers and there are others who don't care and want to just fish and keep as many hens as possible. How many hens are enough? There wasn't any problem with the OP's question, it was how it got answered.
Again, this topic of conversation should only reside in PMs or private forums–away from lurkers and meat hunters.