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Fishing salmon Skein for bows

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#21 NADO


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Posted 20 April 2011 - 09:31 PM

I guess you have never seen the guide to eating Ontario sport fish....

Of all the great lakes Ontario is by far the dirtiest....it says its not safe for women of child bearing age and children to be eating ANY salmon or trout from the lake. And men aren't to eat trout over a certain length that is ridiculously low, like 17 or 18". Where as Huron and Erie are both much cleaner with Huron being the cleanest of the two.

Being clean enough to support life and an ecosystem doesn't say a thing towards how safe the fish are to eat...You clearly have no idea what you are talking about, enjoy the fish.
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#22 Majstor


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Posted 20 April 2011 - 09:37 PM

my friends grandpa has been eatin lake ontario fish over ages and hes 70 years old :smile:
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#23 point defiance

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Posted 20 April 2011 - 10:30 PM

Too funny how this topic starts with fishing skein then ends up a cat fight. Been seeing this pattern to often. Cant we all just enjoy some fishing? Seriously dudes what hell.
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    Skrilla Skrilla

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Posted 20 April 2011 - 11:40 PM

Yeah? now compare lake ontario to more than half of the worlds other fresh bodies of water. Fyi I came from a country where most people have no "guides" to eating fish or "clean" water for that matter. Its sad that people here are so spoiled when more than half of this world is dealing with far far less sanitary conditions and cant complain even if they wanted to.
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#25 NADO


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Posted 21 April 2011 - 09:45 AM

Well we DO have this information so it seems unnecessary to consume fish that are bad for you...But as i said, enjoy the fish.

The thing is, I dont want people reading this thread and thinking its fine to eat a 5lb trout out of a Lake O trib. Sure if you just eat one every now and then on rare occasions it wont kill you...but there is a good reason that the book says its not safe for women of child bearing age and children to eat Any trout or salmon of ANY size.
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    Skrilla Skrilla

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Posted 21 April 2011 - 10:30 AM

Use your eyes my friend... nowhere did i say that i condone eating anything from anywhere, i just said i thought it was funny when people relate to lake O as dirty because most of the time those people have never actually seen "dirty" water. Btw where do u think Toronto gets its tap water?
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#27 NADO


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Posted 21 April 2011 - 10:43 AM

Well I cant say i know about Toronto's tap water...but i'm going to assume that it goes through a filtration system...If not then i predict a generation of mutants coming in the near future.
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