Toronto Island Carp

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Great report! I remember one evening seeing about 30 in one spot, definitely leaving the pike gear behind and trying for some carp.
Awesome! If you don't mind me asking, how did you fish them? I've never had luck with carp on the islands, though I always see people pulling them out all around me.
Yeah corn has failed me aswell. Now is a good time to pick up some fresh worms off the road. hey blair do you chum, and do you use hair rig?

I also reread the OP, did people actually bring white buckets to the islands? lol
Thanks Blair, good stuff!

Yeah corn has failed me aswell.

I haven't done carp in a while... but when I did --> 1 Bag of frozen corn + 1 pair of polarized glasses + Light flouro leader = Winning!
I had a lot of success chumming handfuls of frozen corn in an area where carp were cruising, casting my presentation into the pile 'o corn and waiting and watching for the carp to pick up my bait... then wham - set the hook. Gotta be quick tho' ... set the hook as you see them suck up your hook, or else they spit it fast.

Now is a good time to pick up some fresh worms off the road.

+1 the past week or two they've been all over the sidewalks at night.
Awesome I read your post last night and forgot how fun it is catching carp, so I went out this evening and got 7 one around 20 my wrists where shore lol.

And yeah I agree 100% I hate bucket fisherman they take too much and don't have any respect.
Awesome catch blair. I was the one in purple that kept running into you LOL. I must've left before you hooked into that one.
What would you have against keeping a carp? They are gross, and when they become abundant they damage fisheries. As far as im concerned if they really want them that fill that bucket up!! lol
Awesome catch Blair, I'm thinking of going this weekend there for some carp on the fly but would like to know where are most of the carp on the islands? Please help me out, I am a 100% catch and release kind of guy and I release my fish right away.
Majority of carp cruise around the centre bridge and the "swan" pond, that small pond the miniature train drives around. I don't know if there will be space to go flying there though. The ton of spectators and overhanging trees might not provide enough space.
Yeah, for fly fishing I'd recommend the channel west of the bridge, it was fairly empty and I have seen carp there.
Some nice carp you caught there. Me and some friends got a spot off the lakeshore we go to. ALWAYS use corn and never had a issue. We usually chum 2 cans of corn than wait half hour to a hour..
Once again Nice catches.