float i'm pretty sure hes fish is a steelhead
i found this atlantic dead few weeks ago darn shame
That fish looks like it's been gutted........... Being an Atlantic I should sure as hell hope not, what a waste! Anyhow, in the last 2 weeks at Bronte there have been stupid reporters from jokevilles local news
hassling anglers (myself included) for interviews and info on the gutted salmon/trout every where. We are going to lose access because of assholes not knowing how to milk a loveing fish or thinking
it's awesome to leave literally a pile of 15 salmon (Yes I did see that, 15 stacked in a pile) on the creek bank. Sorry to go off topic but that line under the *dead* Atlantic, made me think of the 3 ass hats
in the last few weeks who have approached me at Petro park.