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Line Counter Reel with a lever Drag

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#1 Deeppowder



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Posted 13 March 2012 - 10:26 AM

Hello and I'm new to the Ontario Fishing Forums.

My uncle stopped by the house the other day and was saying. He was talking to someone fishing in Georion bay using a reel that looked to have a lever drag with a line counter on it. I've looked high and low but can't find a reel with these two options combined on the reel. Has anyone seen a reel with these options together?
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#2 mercman



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Posted 18 March 2012 - 01:48 PM

Hello and I'm new to the Ontario Fishing Forums.

My uncle stopped by the house the other day and was saying. He was talking to someone fishing in Georion bay using a reel that looked to have a lever drag with a line counter on it. I've looked high and low but can't find a reel with these two options combined on the reel. Has anyone seen a reel with these options together?

There are a couple of Manufacturers making this type of real Tha Daiwa Saltist and the Okuma Makaira are 2 that i am aware of.

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