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#1 davey buoy

davey buoy


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Posted 02 June 2012 - 09:08 PM

Most people I understand tie there lines directly to a fly. Therefore,no snap swivel.When finished,would you leave the fly on the line and just hook it on the pole?,or is there something else to do?.
You wouldn't want the line to come off the reel.Silly question,but I'm very new to this and trying to get all the info I can. Thanks.
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#2 davey buoy

davey buoy


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Posted 04 June 2012 - 05:31 PM

Thanks guys,rec'd an answer elsewhere.
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#3 Graham Bristow

Graham Bristow


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Posted 09 June 2012 - 10:04 PM

Cut the fly off and reel in the line. if you used bug spray that day it's a good idea to clean the fly line just in case it got on the fly line to.. bug spray can destroy fly lines quickly.. Soap and water or fly line cleaner or both is a good idea.


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