Bass Opener

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Active Member
Jul 10, 2011
Downtown GTA
Was out yesterday for the bass opener.
Having never caught a bass, I had been reading lots and was keen to get out to try catch one.

As always, time was short, so I headed to High Park.
Got there around 4.30pm, left about 7.30pm.
Bright, sunny (27 maybe) some occasional cloud cover.
Water quality is good, very clear. Problem is that there is so much top water algae, and weed growth all next to the east side of the pond, if you want to cast past it, you need to send it 20+ feet.
I walked the up and down the entire length of the pond looking for spots for bass. It was a real challenge, and mostly involved cleaning up my lure after every cast.
I had just bought some spinners, so i was working them, trying to figure out what looked best to me.
The water itself was very busy, lots of people fishing for sunfish.

Having spent most of my time getting frustrated by the weeds, I was heading back to head home, when I happened on a nice little spot with just enough clear water that I thought might be worth it.
Low and behold I managed to get this little guy (on a worm):

My gear is an ugly stick with 30lb test (this really helped me not lose any lures) but on the flip side would have made it so easy to just crank this little guy in. So I had left the drag as slack as I could, and tried to play him more.
What a fish bass are! He was spinning, jumping and diving to shake free. Really impressive fight for such a little fish.

I headed home with a new focus - catch more bass. These things are awesome fun!!
that's a nice fish for the opener man!
Finally the bass season is open...
will head out north for the fun and who knows, to see if can catch some edible... :)
I've never fished high park...always thought would be so crowded, maybe on weekdays can be better.
As a suggestion I would say to get a lighter equipment like an UL -L rod, a small reel and the most important detail: a light line, think between 4 and 6 lb test can be more that enough for fish like those, sure you won't lose any if the drag is properly set.
have fun man!
Yeah, they are great fighters! SM is in my view best fighting fish, pound for pound
Good to know there is bass there. Hope the bass becomes abundant in once depleted waters
Thats a nice LARGE MOUTH BASS..... Congrats!

I hope you catch many more.

* As a suggestion: I would also reccomend getting some lighter line.

(NEVER one to Critique anothers man's gear... or suggest options "not appropriate for the situation")

I'm very familiar with MONO line, so having 30 Lbs Test is like having piano wire *SMILES*

- Way too thick to get decent casting distance or allow the Lure to function properly

- Too visable for the Fish to see ( *Some dont care ... but good to start getting into best practice habits early)

- Does'nt "Spool" well on a average Spinning Reel

- Terrible sensitivity to feel the bite

Why not try some: 8 lb -10 lbs Mono

You can get a Spool with 600 yds - 1000 yd at most store for about $11 (Berkley Triline/ Big Game, Ande) Clear or Light Green is the best

This will do you VERY WELL for almost all the species and types of fishing in this area.

There are so many "Specific and higher end Options" available ... but from the sounds of it, you are a newer fishermen (Wetting a line, occassionally in this area)

I imagine your "Ugly Stick" Is probably MEDIUM ACTION 6" / 6"6" or 7'

With this weight of line, you'll still be comfortable in knowing your not going to lose your lures or a monster fish, yet be flexible enought to fish for:

Bass, Pike, Perch, Trout, Carp ... pretty well everything out there in the GTA.
Nice catch
My son and I went out a day later for Bass opener
Not bad considering a cold front coming in

First up was this guy

Second was much larger, I was proud on how he handled this bass. A great fight it was

Great shots, I love the colours on largemouth. Smallmouth fight like cohos, but largemouth are one of my favourite looking fish.
nice first bass dude! 30 pound test braid is good for bass, especially in heavy weed like you were doing. its probably equivalent diameter to 8 or 10 pound mono . try and pull a 4 pounder out of a weed mad with 6 pound test and an ultralight rod-i dont think so. UL takle is fun, but its not sportsmanlike to take 20 minutes to land a fish, or lose it with a lure in its face, because you like to "battle" a fish.
keep at er bud! you love it when you get one that can fit your fist in its mouth!
try and pull a 4 pounder out of a weed mad with 6 pound test and an ultralight rod-i dont think so.

Finally someone who gets it! lol

30lb braid is good, but as Blair said 30 lb mono is no good unless you have a massive reel. The heavy mono is more suitable for trolling or for using as leaders but I would sooner use 30lb fluro as a leader over mono.

I personally just use 20lb braid but if I add a rod/reel combo to the roster it will either be a heavy combo with 30 or 40lb braid or an ultralite combo with 4-6lb mono which is fine for open water but would be awful for heavy weed mats.

or lose it with a lure in its face, because you like to "battle" a fish.

that is another good point, breaking the fish off with the light line is no good for catch and release survival rates.
very nice jose. looks like your kid hooked into a few nice ones :smile: i only got out once caught a few small ones nothign to big,been doing the crappy boat exam what a nightmare lol, i did complete it tonight glad to say i passed :grin:
Great looking bass guys. When I lived in Toronto I would fish High park/grenadier pond very often. There are some HOG bass in there. I remember catching a 5lb large mouth on a top water rapala near some lily pads. There are a lof of fisherman there but usually soaking worms, so you could still find a good spot and cast out. There are also some huge carp in there. I haven't personally caught any out of there but witnessed a large one caught off the large fenced dock amongst a bunch of other fisherman. I remember one year catching bass like crazy there on a rapala perch immitation. They would only hit this lure for some reason. I would just cast at an angle from shore and have it swim parallel to the rocks near the bank. They weren't all massive fish but i was consistantly catching them. Great report, Enjoy the opener.
Hey "POPS"!! :grin: :grin: Nice Fish and a Great Lookin' Boy!! You know the Line .... "Get A Kid Hooked On Fishin' Not On Drugs"

Looks like YOU'RE doing a good job of that. You have a right to be PROUD!
