Norton Place Park

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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
Mississauga, Ontario
I went to a pond today in Brampton and there were lots of pumpkinseed, got 1 rockbass and lots of pumpkinseed. The rockbass was about 9 inches and the larger pumpkinseed were around 7 inches. There were many baby pumpkinseed less than 4 inches hiding under rocks close to shore. I figure they're probably last year's catch as they grow about 2 inches in their first year. They were in less than 2 feet of water. The bigger fish were out a little deeper. I fished from about 9:45-11:30. Everything was caught on live worms, I started off using a Beetle Bou Maraboo but that wasn't catching so I switched to live worms.


Nice pics they look cute...I'll bet they are fun to catch checking out the MNR fishing web site I see that Pumpkinseed Sunfish are also in the Thunder Bay area too! :-D
Out of Every Single Fish .... I have Ever caught, I have ALWAYS said:

Pound for Pound ... a "Pumpkin Seed" (Sunfish) is the strongest, meanest ..... most powerful!


I dont know if it would be a "Good thing" (Bet it would destroy all the other fish) ... but if they found away to give these guys STERIODS and get them up into the 5-10 lbs range.

Wow! ... what a fight that would be.

I've caught 5" sunfish on a 6" Rapala.

They will attack and eat almost anything.

Thanks for the Post!
I used a 5'6 UL and the larger pumpkinseed around 6+ inches sure could fight. These fish were caught right in an urban area also, you never know what can be found in the city.
I'm yet to catch fish on an artificial lure, I saw that my spinnerbait wasn't catching and the worms were getting bites often.
I went to this pond again yesterday and caught by largest fish ever! I landed it using my 5'0 UL rod with a worm as bait. I used to use little pieces of worm to fish , then I decided to put on a large piece and casted where a man there told me there's Largemouth Bass . I caught my largest fish, I estimate it to be around 14 inches and 1 pound.
Congratulations on catching your PB largie, but I'm sure that there are bigger ones to catch in your future,
The most beautful fish in our systems, they were made for aquarums :) Cool report and nice sized bass. Save up some money and buy yourself a topwater lure and cast around weeds, you will have a blast :)
Great pics man i was up at port perry and was catching sunfish the size of my palm and when it got hot i casted into the shade and caught a largemouth on a worm and float and i have to say the sunfish fought harder LOL
Could anyone tell me where the pond is in Brampton, or anywhere in GTA? I don't care any fish, just have fishes.
