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White/Red X-large cup brigade strikes...again

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#1 Tangled Spool

Tangled Spool


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Posted 29 August 2012 - 04:23 PM

Since there are people sensitive to the nick here, just decided to spit it out in a different name; in the end we all know it's pretty much the same.....I went to the credit yesterday for some biking just to see if there were anglers around and what they were catching....I saw a guy with a red bucket right beside him catching 2 shiners and a little bass ( I mean little) of no more than 2 inches I swear!! and putting them all directly to the bucket...all this in less than 10 minutes.
I thought...really???? so I asked him "hey bud, you think those little ones won't make you even a sandwich?".......for some reason I was expecting his answer: " no english, no english".....holy crap.. and what else could I do???? I know shiners are not protected species, but,.....really? in the end I think they play a role in the freaking ecosystem..... so why just not release them? it will not make your hunger go away by no means!!!!
what's wrong with these people!!!!!????
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#2 Klamp



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Posted 29 August 2012 - 06:50 PM

Not worth getting worked up about. Channel your frustration into something productive, everyone will benefit and you'll feel better. There's days I feel like ditching fishing altogether after seeing some stupid crap take place, but I'm above that and simply let it blow off as I deflate their tires on my way out. :twisted:
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#3 Odoyle



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Posted 29 August 2012 - 09:08 PM

haha ^^ win!
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#4 ChaseChrome



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Posted 29 August 2012 - 09:28 PM

Seems to be an echo here...believe this thread was started elsewhere...Posted Image

It's not sensitivity per se Tangle-man (though some of us, perhaps "newer" folks, who appreciate it) as much as this is a public forum and should be treated accordingly. Pointless insisting on ANOTHER neologism which implies the same label...
But hey, you are entitled to your opinion as long as it remains measured...

On another note Tangle--IMO, we face conservation issues that are far more profound and urgent...

Forums such as this will endeavour to continue to educate...Posted Image

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#5 FishingNoob


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Posted 29 August 2012 - 09:34 PM

Seems to be an echo here...believe this thread was started elsewhere...Posted Image

It's not sensitivity per se Tangle-man (though some of us, perhaps "newer" folks, who appreciate it) as much as this is a public forum and should be treated accordingly. Pointless insisting on ANOTHER neologism which implies the same label...
But hey, you are entitled to your opinion as long as it remains measured...

On another note Tangle--IMO, we face conservation issues that are far more profound and urgent...

Forums such as this will endeavour to continue to educate...Posted Image


Well said.
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#6 georgianbaydrifter


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Posted 30 August 2012 - 04:30 AM

i know that ppl used to catch sportfish when there small and transport them to ponds
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