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leader lie

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#1 wynslow


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Posted 19 September 2012 - 07:35 PM

I am new to the site. Awsome site learned alot .Been float fishing for about 6 years now. I run a 14ft raven with an Okuma aventa. And a 13ft St.croix with an Okuma Sirata.
I run 6lb main and a 4lb leader and over the years purchased alot of small spools of leader line. Was just wondering is there a difference between the small 25 yard spools of leader line and the big 300 yard spools of fluorocarbon. Can i use the fluorocarbon from the bigger spools as leader line .Or do i have to stick to buying 25 to 30 yards of leader line for the same price of bigger spools. Would save lots of $$$$ buying bigger spools. Thanks for the help.
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#2 georgianbaydrifter


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Posted 19 September 2012 - 09:43 PM

what did drifters do before florocarbon???? i know ppl who still swear by maxima ultrragreen. try abrazzx about 20 bucks for 200 yrds and works great.
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#3 modernflyfishing


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Posted 19 September 2012 - 09:45 PM

i used to use the small spools but recently switched to the larger spools to try to save money. The only difference between the two is that the larger spools are not as abrasion resistant, i think its cause they are made to be more limp to have better castablity since they are supposed to be a main line. But other then that, i havent had a problem using it
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#4 *chromeaddict


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Posted 19 September 2012 - 10:20 PM

what did drifters do before florocarbon???? i know ppl who still swear by maxima ultrragreen. try abrazzx about 20 bucks for 200 yrds and works great.

im stuck on the maxima lol the 6lb is tough enough to turn chinnys and the 3 and 4 lb works just as good for rainbows . and you save tons of money.... 3 for the price of one seguar or raven
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#5 Guest_Blair_*

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Posted 19 September 2012 - 11:19 PM

what did drifters do before florocarbon????

Good Question.

Is the answer "FLOSSED"?


You use what your preference is for...

I have never ran Flouro as a main line, and only used it on 3-4 occassions as a leader.

But know those who use it every where.

I was not being "Out Fished" *SMILES*
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Posted 19 September 2012 - 11:26 PM

i fished with my mono leader and then swtiched over to flouro. it was an amazing switch. well worth getting it. if you shop around you can find it for about $6 :)
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#7 Swing4Steel


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Posted 20 September 2012 - 12:19 AM

I use maxima fluoro. It comes in the small spool, but also 200 yrd. I can only find it in the big spool at lebarons. I have used the seagar abraz x With good results too.
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#8 Guest_RiverNinja_*

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Posted 20 September 2012 - 08:10 AM

i used to use the small spools but recently switched to the larger spools to try to save money. The only difference between the two is that the larger spools are not as abrasion resistant, i think its cause they are made to be more limp to have better castablity since they are supposed to be a main line. But other then that, i havent had a problem using it

Who told you that nonsense..
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#9 wynslow


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Posted 20 September 2012 - 08:18 AM

thanks for the info think i will give the bigger spools a try. If i dont like I still have smaller spools of leader line in my vest.
and will use the bigger spool for icefishing.
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