Spey Flies

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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
Alright so I just went out and bought myself some spey hooks so I could begin tying some spey flies since I've never tied them before. I have seen all CC's posts on his spey patterns and they are all awesome but i have no clue where to start with even picking one of them! Is there any simpler but yet still well effective patterns for spey flies or are CC's patterns not AS hard as im thinking and i should attempt them anyways :p
Alright so I just went out and bought myself some spey hooks so I could begin tying some spey flies since I've never tied them before. I have seen all CC's posts on his spey patterns and they are all awesome but i have no clue where to start with even picking one of them! Is there any simpler but yet still well effective patterns for spey flies or are CC's patterns not AS hard as im thinking and i should attempt them anyways :p

Heya bro...they're not that hard...sequence, tension, and less is more...

I will post some step by step for you when I have some time...perhaps you have a particular pattern you want to tie...
I tied the Undertaker salmon fly as a spey version...simple body!!! The trick is tying in the wings....

Stay tuned, see what I can do

Question about presenting spey flies... Do you give them movement, like a twitch here and there? Or let them flow naturally?
For sure... it really is very straight forward,with a few trick and mostly patience anyone can tie.I have watched a master named Davie McPhail for some time .His channel is set up and organized by fly type.
This is a great way to learn ,as one can follow the vids ,stopping intermittently at certain times then continue on when ready.This Irishman is a true master and his simple approach is very understandable.
For sure... it really is very straight forward,with a few trick and mostly patience anyone can tie.I have watched a master named Davie McPhail for some time .His channel is set up and organized by fly type.
This is a great way to learn ,as one can follow the vid ,stopping intermittently at certain times then continue on when ready.This Irishman is a true master and his simple approach is very understandable.

I watch him too... I also think he is Scottish... then again I am not that good with accents.
Heya bro...they're not that hard...sequence, tension, and less is more...

I will post some step by step for you when I have some time...perhaps you have a particular pattern you want to tie...
I tied the Undertaker salmon fly as a spey version...simple body!!! The trick is tying in the wings....

Stay tuned, see what I can do


Haha i was waiting for this response yesterday but got too caught up with studying! I dont really have any particular pattern that id want to tie, more or less looking for a recommendation since im particularly new to these flies. I was looking at the undertaker spey version last night and was about to attempt it but I decided to pull out the good old chemistry books instead. Also looking at your flies (since they seem so intricate) I'm also wondering if the hackles and such that you use vary much from the saddle hackles usually used on streamers?

Also thanks Equinox for posting that video it really does help watching all McPhail's videos on tying spays!
And Dozer when it comes to presenting them I still do not know much, part of my research/trial and error learning process ;)
Hackle...burned hackle or heron...sometimes mallard flank...SEE its all relative which you know something about studying chem and Heisenberg etc...


Hackle...burned hackle or heron...sometimes mallard flank...SEE its all relative which you know something about studying chem and Heisenberg etc...



Hahah, two electrons cannot occupy the same space at the same time ? :p

But yeah relative in the fact that researching what you want to know about it is definitely true. Thanks for the info, everything will definitely help in attempting speys!
Still havent decided on a particular pattern yet but ill make that decision after the midterm exam lol
Hahah, two electrons cannot occupy the same space at the same time ? :p

But yeah relative in the fact that researching what you want to know about it is definitely true. Thanks for the info, everything will definitely help in attempting speys!
Still havent decided on a particular pattern yet but ill make that decision after the midterm exam lol

Sparse and dull for clear conditions...larger and bright for turbid waters bro...

Good luck
Question about presenting spey flies... Do you give them movement, like a twitch here and there? Or let them flow naturally?
for sure.there is no mystery or need for any such reverence for the fly thing...the spey is simply a type of streamer or baitfish presented often by "swinging" the fly so that it angles down river with the broadside facing the waiting fish,hopefully tied with material that have inherent movement in them(arctic fox,heron,marabou,schlappen,rhea) that will undulate in small currents within main currents,however the spey as other "streamers" go, can be twitched ,jigged dead drifted,and most effectively in water temps now ,they can be stripped across slow pools .Traditional spey patterns are now updated by the tyer using more "moving" material.Saddle hackles can be short and stiff,so the contemporary tyer looks for or creates his own "moving" material
to fish them no bigy just giver
Sorry for the late response but thanks everyone for your help! Its all helped me out a lot!
Me likewise--delayed getting more recipes up...time willing will get them up asap.


Haha its all good, you cant expect someone to browse the web staring at OFF all day long :p
Not saying we couldnt do that, everyone obviously has their own things to do. But yeah I'll be looking forward to seeing them
quote name='dcrisci' timestamp='1351607717' post='246854']
Sorry for the late response but thanks everyone for your help! Its all helped me out a lot!
Yup C.C. is on the color thing ...here are 2 examples of nontraditional spey flies that serve different water/light conditions.