What do you mean ground talking?
Hi Fishingnoob, I guess you missed that part... it was in your reply not to give up and maybe try a canoe or a kayak.
Funny you should say that, I was invited to go out with one of the forum members yesterday in his canoe to do a bit of fishing and checking out the river for productive pools etc.
I jumped at the opportunity and we set off early yesterday morning... boy was I happy I wasnt walking as some of the banks were almost vertical, lots of trees huge rocks etc lined the shore. While the river was quite deep in places, it was shallow in others so we were in and out the canoe a lot so that the canoe could get floated down easily. Getting in and out was quite painful after the first few times & I couldn't kneel in the canoe to keep my weight low so that it wouldn't be as tippy etc.
For all it was a great experience for me after about 1/2 way I was hurting pretty bad so I had to lay down under some cedar trees to have a rest & let my pain meds work. Well as luck would have it someone else that was fishing cut through the trees where I was lying wearing a camo jacket & pants and when I said "Hello" I think he may have "crapped" himself when the ground spoke to him LOL