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Anyone overnight in a pop up?

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#1 AnglerAnonymous



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 06:52 PM

Me and a buddy plan on heading up to Nip this weekend for a night, with the new clam big foot 2000xl. Has anyone spent a night in a pop up?

We have a big buddy heater, the ones with the built in fan. Just wondering if anyone has any experiences, what would have made it more comfortable etc.

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#2 redneckchromer



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 06:58 PM

Me and a buddy plan on heading up to Nip this weekend for a night, with the new clam big foot 2000xl. Has anyone spent a night in a pop up?

We have a big buddy heater, the ones with the built in fan. Just wondering if anyone has any experiences, what would have made it more comfortable etc.


Fishing all night in it? shouldnt be a problem, just bring some liquid antifreeze LOL Im actually thinking of a night fish for walleye soon too. idunno about sleeping in one though lol youd be better off camping out on shore or an island
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    Unaccomplished Steelheader

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Posted 17 January 2013 - 07:13 PM

You would need to have something to keep you off the ice as the ice will not only be cold, but wet as well. You would need foldable cots or something
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#4 AnglerAnonymous



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 08:36 PM

We have some plastics boards, 1/4' thick but 4x4 we'll be laying that down first then our chairs ontop. We wont be laying down on the floor just sitting in our chairs. Lots of antifreeze will help us sleep sitting down haha
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#5 BackwoodsBassr



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Posted 17 January 2013 - 08:37 PM

We have some plastics boards, 1/4' thick but 4x4 we'll be laying that down first then our chairs ontop. We wont be laying down on the floor just sitting in our chairs. Lots of antifreeze will help us sleep sitting down haha

Haha! Fact!
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#6 Woodsman


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Posted 23 January 2013 - 10:10 AM

Ensure it is well marked. Reflectors and glow sticks.
Nothing will spoil your night faster than a snowmobile plowing thru your hut in the middle of the night.
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