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Active Member
Mar 30, 2013
Somewhere between A and B.
Good day everyone, just wanted to say hello/intro. I'm also a member of NFN, but wanted to sign up here for more posts about different species not directed at steelheaders like myself.

Looking forward to haveing some time to browse the archives and also give contributions back to this forum.

Happy Easter and tight lines to all!!

(chasechrome) is that you?????
Like NFN, we've got quite the friendly space here. A fine addition to the forums, welcome chef :mrgreen:
Thanks Dozer,


;) just wanted to test posting pics is the same as on NFN....
Hey Chef...we have, for reasons of mitigating traffic on Ontario and other sensitive tribs, decided not to allow the naming of specific waters...I'm sure you understand. However, we have the shout box at the bottem of the page where you can ask about conditions and will likely recieve a response fromsome of great members via PM...I'm sure you will appreciate and enjoy our forum brother...

Any other questions, shoot me a pm and I would be happy to assist...

Right on CC, I'm assuming the shout box is unavailable to public views, or based on PM only. That's pretty sweet.

And btw its "bottom" lol here I thought you we're borderline genius ;)
ChefMick said:
Right on CC, I'm assuming the shout box is unavailable to public views, or based on PM only. That's pretty sweet.

And btw its "bottom" lol here I thought you we're borderline genius ;)
Welcome ChefMick. We are all borderline genius here. About 5 stars :) CC gets 6 though, at least in my book.
Where you are? Are you mainly a Chrome fisher, or do Bass and Pike and other fish catch :) your fancy too.

Welcome ChefMick! Not a steelheader myself, more into bass and any other species that is willing to bite my line! :D

What do you fish with, a fly, a centerpin, spinning, baitcaster? I'm a spinning reel man myself, but wanting to get a baitcaster. Enjoy the site.

Alfiegee said:
Are you mainly a Chrome fisher, or do Bass and Pike and other fish catch :) your fancy too.
Darn it Alfie, you keep beating me to the punch! :D
FishingNoob said:
Welcome ChefMick! Not a steelheader myself, more into bass and any other species that is willing to bite my line! :D

Darn it Alfie, you keep beating me to the punch! :D
Sorry FN, purely incidental. Did you notice the pun though? Fish that "catch" your fancy. Sorry.
Also, just a tip Noob, if the fish stop biting your line and aim for your bait you might land more :D Just sayin'

Hahaha, don't worry about it. :D I did notice the pun, though! :D Nice!

:lol: :lol: :lol: Oh, that's a good one Alfie. Hell, I don't care if the fish don't wanna aim for my bait just the hook! :D
Alfiegee said:
Sorry FN, purely incidental. Did you notice the pun though? Fish that "catch" your fancy. Sorry.
Also, just a tip Noob, if the fish stop biting your line and aim for your bait you might land more :D Just sayin'

ChefMick said:
Right on CC, I'm assuming the shout box is unavailable to public views, or based on PM only. That's pretty sweet.

And btw its "bottom" lol here I thought you we're borderline genius ;)
BAH!!! Had my auto-spell set to "sub-genius..."
Actually I enjoy angling for just about anything, from carping to perch, bass, pike, cats, walleye, and both hard and soft water, the pursuit for chrome and bow just happens to be my zen considering I live in between our two mighty rivers.

As for steeliness I use pin, or bottom bounce with spinning gear.

I guess at the end; no make that the beginning of the day, the target species is decided on the time of year, bring the boat or not, do I have roe? Have I tied jigs or streamers? Or should I just dig up some juicy worms and go out with my boy and stare peacefully at our bobbers!
ChefMick said:
Actually I enjoy angling for just about anything, from carping to perch, bass, pike, cats, walleye, and both hard and soft water, the pursuit for chrome and bow just happens to be my zen considering I live in between our two mighty rivers.

As for steeliness I use pin, or bottom bounce with spinning gear.

I guess at the end; no make that the beginning of the day, the target species is decided on the time of year, bring the boat or not, do I have roe? Have I tied jigs or streamers? Or should I just dig up some juicy worms and go out with my boy and stare peacefully at our bobbers!
Nice, I'm with you on that friend, all men are humble before all fish in my opinion.
Welcome to OFF chef. Looking forward to the hear from your experiences. I mainly target pike & browns but i would fight anything that tries to take my lure away.