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Leader Length, How Long?

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#41 GoodenTight


    Steelhead Master

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Posted 22 April 2013 - 01:29 PM

sweet man! if its working for you, then awesome. I almost always run a 6g float even in frog water. And have it shotted to the balance point. Usually about 7 i think theyre ABs. Usually 3 under the float, and 4 or 5 spaced out, usually 2 or 3 on the leader. That gets my poop down to the bottom before my drift is over, and hey man it works for me so im stoked.


the closer your shot is to your presentation, the less slack, the greater the % hook up and landing. Science.

the closer your shot is to your presentation, the greater % of spook and no take. Fact.


Pro's and Con's brother.

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#42 georgianbaydrifter


    Smallmouth Bass

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Posted 27 April 2013 - 12:36 AM

everybody always hung up on this small dinsmore and sure shot crap. For my style of fishing  water gremlin 3 ought through b usually works just fine

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