Brook Trout/Rainbow Trout advice.

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Active Member
Jun 19, 2013
Barrie, ON
Hello all! new to the site, really hoping someone could lend some help on where and how to land some brook trout and or rainbow trout. I was recently in Nova Scotia and my dad and i fished a lake near my aunts home and discovered hundreds of brook trout, it was my first time catching them, and my what gorgeous fish they are! Since I've been home in Barrie i've been on the hunt for them, tried multiple small creeks and streams with no luck. I just went out and bought a basic fly rod and reel today because i hear its the most effective way to fish for trout. Wondering if anyone could tell me some active rivers or streams, and maybe recommend what type of fly to use. I'm also dieing to land my first Rainbow! I caught them in a stocked pond before, but that doesn't count in my books.

Thanks to anyone who repiles

There are lots of streams with Brookies near Barrie, just got to do some leg work to find them. Google maps can help too. I couldnt ggive you names if I wanted to cause I dont know them just where they are.
Although flies can be great for specks at times nothing beats a tiny spinner with a worm.

I'd agree with alfee. grab the smallest spinner you can have. I think the smallest one in the market is the silver dressed panther martin #1. or the #0 black fury. almost the same size. both killers for trout. the creek i fish don't have brookies but the number of 'bows looks to have increased and been having a blast with them.
Jazzy, I'm also from barrie. Perhaps you, I and madriverfisher could get out some time. There's lots of good spots close to Barrie (~20 mins any direction) that hold bows, brookies, etc. Judging by his name I'm sure MDF knows a good spot or two ;) lol
I'd be down to join you guys if you dont mind. I have never caught a brook trout that was bigger than a few inches. I dont know any spots in my area (Richmond Hill) that would hold decent sized brookies or rainbow. I tried my fav creek out east in durham...but got nothing except for new born resies
Hey guys, thanks for the reply! Alfiegee, i've been looking at maps none more than i have fishing. Madriverfisher andchristotheashto that would be a resounding yes on showing me some spots.
I was out today for a couple of hours practising my fly casting, just in a field then in pond near by. Man.. not something you can just pick up in a day thats for sure. Might just have to stick with spinners for now haha! I'm dieing to get some trout on the end of my line, tired of catching pike, bass, perch. Though i do know some very good spots for those if you ever need a tip on that.

Let me know what is a good day for you boys to get out there.


how do you fly fish in those tiny brookie streams? I cant see how you could get a cast in without spooking them.
Hey Nado, I actually was wondering the same thing. Until I came upon a fly angler on a small creek i was fishing w/ spinners. creek was about 8 to 10ft wide in the spot but this old timer showed me that that's pretty much a good holding spot as water kind of bottle-necks and that's where he's casting - downstream and was killing it. Invited me to share that spot...him casting nymphs me drifting spinner. he outfished me but no a lot as pretty much the spot is holding a lot of trout.
I will be going out today to a few "local" rivers...namely the Humber, way, way north.

If anyone is down to try exploring, i have never fished that far up before. Will be on the pin
8-10' I can picture but im talking about the small creeks that go under roads in little culverts that range anywhere from 1-4' wide with most stretches around 2'.
Nado, you let the water itself help "catapult" your fly. Let it drif down stream and use the water to shoot up river and let it drift down. You can also do roll casts in small creeks. Pretty much any way else will result in tangles with the trees.
Ya I'm pretty much free the rest of the week so let me know it would be best to go in the evening that's when the best hatches tend to happen
Oh man, if you guys make it out as a group providiing this is on a weekend, consider me in. Id be float fishing not fly fishing.....Provided this was an open invite!
Ya man I can do that for sure ijay your more then welcome to come but a long float rod might be hard to use in some of the spots anything longer then 9 feet will be really hard to use