Living The Dream Musky Charters

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Feb 1, 2012
ajax and the kawartha lakes in the summer
Hey Everyone I'm going to be operating a Musky Charter this summer on shadow. I got into a government student business program and this is what I chose to do. So here's my pitch let me know what you guys think being fisherman and all.

Have you ever wanted to catch the elusive musky? Want a chance at catching the fish of your dreams? Then contact Mark Perkins at Living The Dream Musky Charters. As your Guide I will not only take you out fishing for musky's but I will share my years of knowledge with you so you can take this knowledge back with you and catch musky's wherever they may roam. All equipment is provided included the highest quality rods,reels,line,and tackle. The Charter is run out of my 16ft tracker super guide v16. Living The Dream Musky Charters is situated on beautiful Shadow lake Ontario. Shadow lake is a very unique lake that is part of the gull river system before it runs into Balsam lake in Coboconk. The lake is over 4 miles long and reaches depths over 70ft. There is a lot of bait fish for the musky to eat which results in a steady population of the species. There is also a wide variety of structure on the lake which is one of the reasons it is so unique. There is also a population of pike which have invaded their way into the lake pike are quite common in shadow and can be caught regularly while musky fishing.


Fish till you drop (full day) only 1 person per day
The full day Charter runs from 8 a.m until dark with an included lunch break during an unproductive time of the day. This charters focuses on instructions on casting and trolling to a wide variety of the structure that Shadow lake has to offer. Price:$300

Trolling day 1-2 people
The trolling charter runs all day and is focused on precision trolling tactics which can be used to cover a large area of water over a short period of time. (This charter includes lunch) Price:$300

Custom day
If you are unable to fish for full day we can set up a custom charter to fit your needs. Price:$100 every 2 hours for a pre determined amount of time. The time can be split up throughout the day for example 2 hours in the morning 2 in the evening.

Check out my website at:

That's pretty good, what are some of your fav lures for musky. I go to Balsam cpl times a year and would like to know some good lures if you dont mind. Thanks
I'm not sure where that lake is or how popular it is, but perhaps put the region in your ads rather than the specific lake, if the lake is small or sensitive. This would be to protect your lake from lurkers, if it does happen to be sensitive. If it's huge and widely known as a muskie lake, then nevermind :)

Good luck, being self-employed is a great experience that not everyone gets to share!