Long Weekend Rice Lake Tournament

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Rice Lake Master
Feb 10, 2009
Ajax - Roseneath
Well first of all I had no idea that there was a tournament on Rice Lake this past weekend. I wish I had known so I could have made plans to watch the weigh in from Hastings as I have never seen one and would have enjoyed it. Anyways, maybe next time.

As for my experience this past weekend, I can say that I experienced two very different sides of tournament angling.

Firstly, I was fishing one of my hot spots when a tournament boat pulled up and to my amazement it was someone that I consider a friend, someone that was fishing their first tournament and someone that is a member of this board. I continued to fish for a minute or so and then asked them if they wanted me to leave and their response was that I could do whatever I wanted to. I continued to run my trolling motor away from them and when I got far enough away from them, I started my motor and slowly pulled away from them. This whole process lasted no more then a few minutes. I respected them and just moved on. Hope they did well on that spot and lets keep it our little secret. 8)

Now later in the day the situation started out the same as I was once again on one of my spots when another tournament boat pulled up within 10 feet of me and said I need to leave right now and if I don’t they would be casting their jigs into the back of my boat. You can insert their “F BOMBS” wherever you want. I kindly said excuse me and said if you are going to threaten me and treat me like crap I am not going anywhere. I remained calm as their verbal assault continued and at this point in time I made up my mind that I wasn’t going anywhere. The wind was non existent and I was also stationary. I however got the last laugh as the circled and trolled really close to me. A few minutes later I caught a decent bass and I think that made them mad as one of them said you “B”. They put on their life jackets, fired up their boat and stormed off right next to me making huge wake which gave me a good ride on the bow. If I was out of order, I would like someone to tell me so, that way I know for next time. I would have left on my own accord within a few minutes but when you pull up dropping bombs and threatening me, well then I’m sorry we can fish next to one another and I am not going anywhere.

As for the fishing, it was OK. Generally the bass I caught were smaller. All my spots seemed to by occupied with tournament boats. Caught a lot more Crappies this weekend as well as a few small walleye. I enjoyed my time on the water despite that overzealous attitude of one individual.

If this is what tournament angling is about, then I want no part. I would like to fish a tournament on Rice Lake sometime but if you have to deal with clowns like that then forget it. I am out there for fun. I understand they might be making a living and are looking for a CASH but just because you have a bigger and better boat doesn't mean you can treat the average angler like a piece of dirt.

lol...some guys
sounds like its salmon or trout season out there...
I wouldn't move either...
Oh screw them, I hate fishermen like that, not real fishermen, probably some smart ass kids, who think their entitled to it all. :(

I hope it didn't mess up your time on the water that much and it seems like you still hooked some nice fish! :D I wouldn't dwell on it, though I might contact the organizer of the tournament and mention this.

.... hmmmmm, reinforces my belief, and I mean no disrespect to my fine fellow forum members, but there seems to be a higher percentage of $#@!! in the bass fishing fraternity than any other group of specie chasers.

wow, lol, love how you stayed put!!!!

The ego comes from spending 100 grand on a 700 hp. 90 mph plank and really cool.. matching...mercury shirts. Darwin did not accommodate for this deviation from the evolutionary train....
remyboy said:
The ego comes from spending 100 grand on a 700 hp. 90 mph plank and really cool.. matching...mercury shirts. Darwin did not accommodate for this deviation from the evolutionary train....
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .... i wuv my 3.5 horse

dats funny, remy... made me snort
Dirk, nice report, too bad about those tournament clowns. I'm sure a complaint to the organizers would have them banned, forget punks like that. By the way, you should participate in the tournament next year ;)
I was looking to join 100 percent next year. This year I was not well prepped and felt I needed to do some more practicing. I think next year I have a good shot at ranking up! Not a cocky thing being said, just with the good fortune the fishing gods have blessed me with and the amount of work I have put in on Rice Lake over the past 3 years has been well worth it.
Wow , what a couple of DBags. When fly fishing I used to love catching a trout right when some tool tried moving in close to me. After the second or third one , they'd get pi$$ed and leave. :). Thanks for the pics, Cant wait 4 days til we hit Rice Lake !