Lake simcoe quickstrike rigs (tip-ups)

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Jul 14, 2013
Hey guys. I am moving in the Durham region (east of Toronto) sometime before winter and will probably be doing some of my ice-fishing this winter at Lake Simcoe. Have any of you Lake Simcoe anglers had any luck with quickstrike rigging for Lake trout and pike? If not what do ya guys reccommend? (Besides jigs). Thanks!

Members i guess dont like to talkabout ice fishing in the summer lol. Im no help to you man, I just started ice fishing this year.
quick strike rigs are good for pike but the lakers sure love a chaise. A dead sticked tube can work for lakers but the chaise was how almost all my lakers last winter came onto the ice. When I would mark a fish I would try to get it to go vertical for me then I would reel often as fast as I could and hope my rod would double over. The fish I got would often be marked from a 100 to 60 feet then chased up to 20 or 30 feet before they hit. They do cruse up higher as well tho.