Try this site, hope you find something ............. found some helpful info on this site when I went to jacksonville, Maine and Connecticut, on three separate trips, this site seems to be very helpful.
I was fishing at new haven CT a month ago- got these fish while fishing on low tide conditions, walked at least 300ft from shore on shallow sandy flat water up to 3 ft water level, was wading with my swimming short, lots of big clams all around me, others were picking them by the bucket. I was using kwikfish, to my surprise, I got 3 of these fish in two hours fishing from 8-10am. 2 were 1lber and largest was 3lber. http://i223.photobuc...zps0acb24f1.jpg
Many anglers I spoke to normally used shrimp sold at walmart. I read that using clam meat are also very good. I was in florida , jacksonvile, also wading, some 5lber saltwater trout were landed by others fishing beside me using fresh small bait fish they caught in the area using their nets.
To shore fish on beaches, when the tide is somewhat strong, you need rod holder that can be embedded to the sandy shoreline, Any local fishing store, like walmart, k-mart sells them for $6, I made them by myself from 2" diameter pipe available at home depot. A surf rod of 9-10' long, that can handle 25 lb line , since there might be 4' shark around. I got the fishing rod at BPS US for $20. Shrimp is the preferred bait . fish before dusk or early dawn. need at least 3-5oz weight sinker. water seem to be calmer early evening to night time. Check license registry for shore beach fishing, many state only cost $1.