Thought I'd share my 2009 musky trip

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Jul 22, 2013
Back in 2009 my first musky trip, trolling with big suckers we did fairly well... 14 in 2 nights 3 days, only found these two pics.
Biggest was 49"

Please please please I can't stress this enough. Hold fish how they swim. When fish are in the water they don't feel the forces of gravity that we as humans have become accustomed too. Hold fish like that not supporting the belly and literally the guts of the fish puts TREMENDOUS stress on them. So much so it can permanately harm them.
i'll be the only nice person and say great catch man. how was the fight? i have never caught a muskie before. is it like a massive verson of a pike. lol
Thanks! The fights r insane they never really tire out... Longest fight was 20-30 mins, it's worth standing in the cold for hours!
Clab said:
Please please please I can't stress this enough. Hold fish how they swim. When fish are in the water they don't feel the forces of gravity that we as humans have become accustomed too. Hold fish like that not supporting the belly and literally the guts of the fish puts TREMENDOUS stress on them. So much so it can permanately harm them.
Let's try to be a bit more positive here...

Anyway nice fishies man!
Nope we caught 14 on pigeon lake near Bobcageon In two nights their quite a fight, gotta use big suckers with a hook neside their dorsal fin one in the tail and one under the sucker
Clab said:
Please please please I can't stress this enough. Hold fish how they swim. When fish are in the water they don't feel the forces of gravity that we as humans have become accustomed too. Hold fish like that not supporting the belly and literally the guts of the fish puts TREMENDOUS stress on them. So much so it can permanately harm them.
good call Clab, +1 for you :)