My trip up to...

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Kasim Baluch

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2012
Mississauga, Ontario
Hey guys!

So after all the advice gathering and asking people where to fish from shore, me and my dad went out on a mission the past few weeks. Every weekend driving in all different directions, from within the GTA to hours and hours up north, all looking for that one hot spot for bass.

We got skunked so many times that we didn't want to keep going to the same places over and over! So... after all that hard work and people sending us everywhere... we took it on ourselves, took the 400 and just drove! Every few exits we would stop and check a few places and if nothing bit then we would move on. (mind you this took a lot of weekends!)

Finally though, last Saturday we found it. Cast after cast, bass after bass. It was an amazing feeling and was completely unexpected ! All that hard work finally paid off and it felt great. We swore secrecy to even our friends haha so no I wont be releasing any spots :p but I just wanted to say that it felt great. Spending time with my dad, he is getting older so we really feel like we got this sense of accomplishment and we did it together.

So my advice to anyone whose been struggling, just keep doing it. Your not gonna get the best of the best advice from anyone, trial and error is the best. I always wondered why people kept saying the "learning curve" bit but man... once you really get there, you completely understand!

All the bass were release and we will keep going and keep exploring everywhere we can! A camera will be brought next time :)

Hope your all having a great summer!
BANG ON! And that is what fishing is all about. I raise this beer to you Banglachessez ( had to scroll up twice to make sure I got the name right :lol: I swear I saw cheese ) Cheers to knowing what fishing is really about :D If you ask me, thats where all the excitement lies. Salut!
HAHAHAHA That gave me a good laugh.... now my mother wonders what I do on my computer so late at night ..... 0_o

Thank you for the kind words though! Really means a lot and let me tell you... Its such an amazing feeling and I'm the most happy that I did it with my dad.

I bought him a new rod yesterday because his was so old that it couldnt detect any bites so I felt bad that I was pulling in so many bass and he was struggling a bit but I spent good money (for a part time almost minimum wage air canada CSR haha) on a basic spinning combo and he usually never accepts gifts but this time we has excited about it!

He didn't ask me how much I paid so I know he likes it :p

Thanks again :)
Makes it even more meaningful dude, you are good man with wonderful intentions - I hope for monster fish and more awesome memories with your father :cool:
Oh ya... forgot to add, don't forget the damn camera next time :lol: