Lookin to grab a new rod/reel

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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
Whats going on everyone. I was looking to grab myself a new rod soon,and possibly a reel. I have never used Bait casters before and was considering switching over, but before I do I want a nice spinning rod/reel combo to fall back on if i dont like the caster. I was looking at Falcon rods, they look pretty nice, but im not sure. Anyone have any ideas of what I should checkout. Max I want to spend on the rod is $200. A new reel isnt a must but if I decide to get one max i'll spend is $250. I know for this price I wont get the greatest setup but it will be an improvement from what I got. Please give me some ideas.
Thanks alot.
the reel i learned on was the bass pro shops bionic, they cost like 30$ but will get you into the technique, pair it up with a 60$ shimano sellus and youve got a pretty good combo for less than half of your max limit
ChasinTails said:
the reel i learned on was the bass pro shops bionic, they cost like 30$ but will get you into the technique, pair it up with a 60$ shimano sellus and youve got a pretty good combo for less than half of your max limit
Is this a caster?
I was once given the advice that a casting reel less then a 100$ is going to cause headaches. Now take it with a grain of salt...
For a total of 254$ taxes in you can get an Abu Garcia Revo SX reel(Baitcaster or Spinning reel) and an Abu Garcia Vendetta Rod(Baitcaster or Spinning rod). I love the Revo SX both ways. Very nice reels.
alwayscatching said:
For a total of 254$ taxes in you can get an Abu Garcia Revo SX reel(Baitcaster or Spinning reel) and an Abu Garcia Vendetta Rod(Baitcaster or Spinning rod). I love the Revo SX both ways. Very nice reels.
Ill check into it right now. Pro bass shop?
alwayscatching said:
Yea! I am in today if you want to come by. Otherwise this weekend I work saturday sunday and monday.
Okay cool. I have some crap to take care of this afternoon but I will try to swing by. Now I cant decide if I just wanna go with a baitcaster and forget the spinning reel........man choices choices choices. I mainly fish for bass and pike and I dont use lures that are very heavy, should I stick with the spinning rood/reel. I am under the impression bait casters are used for heavy baits and heavy fish in general.
For pike fishing I use a spinning reel even though bait casters allow a further cast to cover more ground BUT I use a lot of mepps for pike and they dont cast as far with a baitcaster. If I was you come by and get a feel on the reels and I will go further into details and show you some good options.
alwayscatching said:
For pike fishing I use a spinning reel even though bait casters allow a further cast to cover more ground BUT I use a lot of mepps for pike and they dont cast as far with a baitcaster. If I was you come by and get a feel on the reels and I will go further into details and show you some good options.
Okay sounds good. If I cannot make it by today or this weekend I will PM you when I plan on headin down and see if your workin. Im suppose to leave in a few hours to hit up my annual bass tourny....Which you are actually allowed to use live bait!
Its on Dickey lake and lake-of-islands in Coe Hill. My buddies family runs this tourny every year at their cottage. Also later on i think in Oct is the muskie tourny, but i forget where that takes place. Its nothing huge or anything, a few hundred bucks for the winner and a trophy. $100 antee covers food gas and prizes for the tourny. I think the best part of the tourny is when everyone is done for the day and starts to drink. Thats when I but bust out my poker set and RUN EM lol
Not trying to highjack, but...lol...I'm also looking at getting a new rod/baitcaster..any good combo deals out there that won't break the bank? I am planning on hitting up BPS tomorrow.