2nd Annual OFF Outing...Geen OCT. 24-27

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Dec 9, 2011
OK guys and gals...

In random threads and conversations mention has been made regarding another OFF outing that isn't "fly only." Last year's outing was a good time, plenty of fish, laughs, shivers (right CJR?) and free steelhead BBQ'd up by some dudes from Barrie.

Feel free to weigh in with dates of your choice, location etc. and I will do what I can to facilitate logistics etc.

ChaseChrome said:
OK guys and gals...
In random threads and conversations mention has been made regarding another OFF outing that isn't "fly only." Last year's outing was a good time, plenty of fish, laughs, shivers (right CJR?) and free steelhead BBQ'd up by some dudes from Barrie.​
Feel free to weigh in with dates of your choice, location etc. and I will do what I can to facilitate logistics etc.​
90 lumens.

I'm good with whatever, last years location was good cause it has a lot of space, we just need to time it better I think and preferably during the week. Late October or early November would be good, fish should be in thick by then.
I would love to join this year time date and place are all good for me ill let all the people with tight schedules make the decision I'm cool with anything. Ohhh baby I can't wait it will be great to meet some of you I have met a few of you guys on the rivers and so far everyone I have met or run into has been pretty solid people can't wait to meet some more and share some drifts and good laughs till we meet good luck and tight lines
I would also be into this. Could only be a sunday for me and would need to be picked up will of course pay for fuel and breakfast or lunch!
im so in

usually I have mondays and fridays off. But if we can get a date in advance, I can book off a weekend
I would assume saturdays are best for most people? As of right now im available any day of the week pretty much but that may change by then leaving only weekends. Last years location was good, im up for a different spot though as long as its the type of place where we know we can fit alot of guys on the water no matter how busy the river is that day.
My work schedule is pretty flexible given I give enough notice what days to take off. Im in 100%
I have a spot with tons of room and early steel with the potential of salmon, usually has lots of fish by the end of September, an hour and a half north of Toronto. Chase, you want help setting this up?
I am SOOSOSOS in for this, but I would only be able to attend on a weekend trip. I am one of these "nine to fivers"
Same here weekends are my only chance to attend and seeing I missed last time there no way I'm missing this year for sure.
i`ll be the first to throw some dates out there. I was just thinking we might as well make it a saturday/sunday trip like last year so more people can make it. How about October 26/27 or November 2/3?
I work midnights (12am-8am) Mondat night to Saturday morning but after work Saturday throughout the weekend I'm IN! I didn't know about last years event but would love to attend this year.
NADO said:
i`ll be the first to throw some dates out there. I was just thinking we might as well make it a saturday/sunday trip like last year so more people can make it. How about October 26/27 or November 2/3?
will take note of the dates just in case this will be decided. will work hard to keep myself free on these dates. would like to pop the cherry on my raw ii centerpin and hopefully get some sage advise from the more seasoned "pinners" on setups...for free...yes...i'm that cheap...given that this setup ain't cheap... :cool: