Rod and Reel Pron

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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2013
Show me your best reels or custom rods out of your collection!
I know some of you guys or girls must be hiding stuff you bought over the years hidden from your other half. :D
Or how much stuff in in your closet! 50 rods? 100 reels? :D

Ive accumulated much gear over the years. TOO much if you ask me. :neutral:
Im not going to try to post too many pics otherwise, there be too many.
Heres just a short list of the BEST gear i own. Theres more but not listed.
Worked hard and saved many many many pennies to get everything.
My lady would kill me if she knew the money i spent on gear altogether.... haha
I could have bought a used car or even a boat. Down on a house, rent for many months. etc.

Shimano Stella 10000/16000
Daiwa Saltiga 3500H
Daiwa Saltiga 6000/6500
Daiwa Saltiga Z20 (JDM japan only)
Daiwa Saltiga Z30 (JDM japan only)
Daiwa Saltiga Z40 (JDM japan only)
Daiwa Pluton 200H
Jigging Master PE6
Newell P220-F
Newell P229-F
Daiwa Saltist 20H x2
Daiwa Saltist 30H x2

Century Carbon Metal C3LD x2 (UK)
Century Tip Tornado LD (UK)
Tulala El Horizonte 78 (JDM japan only)
Tulala El Horizonte 83 (JDM japan only)
Seeker Hercules Inshore Lite x2 (build in progress)
Seeker Hercules Inshore Heavy x2 (build in progress)
Jigging Master Powerspell 150g
Jigging Master Powerspell 350g
OTI G3 Jigging 300g x2
Sting-O Popping 130g
Many Lamiglas rods. (surf and boat)
Few Seeker rods.
Soon adding either some Black Hole or Salty Race Point popping rods or Jigging Master Ocean Devil UL rods.

Heres some pictures,,, pRRRRRon ! edit- added a few pics.




TO START there are 2 of those round plastic expandable Rod Cases with about 10 Older Rods in them One LARGE bag of "What Am I Gonna do with all this line??" Also 3 Small Tackle Boxes filled with.."I don't remember Buying That!". A Collection of every type, size and make of filleting knife you can think of.


Ceiling Holder -

12 Assorted Rods & Reels of various Lengths and Power for whatever the Fish May Be.
Plano Tackle Box.:

12 Years Old & Remodeled a while back that still won't carry 50% of the "Extra Tackle."

Spare Reels:

They Don't yet have a Matching Rod or none of the other Reels have "Broken Down".
(I enjoy tearing down my Reels Now & Then for Cleaning an/or Repair.)

Zebco Cardinal 4:

My first "REAL" Spinning Reel form 1975. It was in Retirement but it's coming Back Out for a Tear Down and Active Duty again. What a Simple yet Accurate Reel to use. Love It!!

Penn Peer 209M:

Another Beautiful Reel to use! Just had a Tear Down & Clean Up. Ready To Use Again. About 15/20 Years Old. Caught It's Fair Share Of Lakers. Mostly in Charleston Lake, North of Gananoque. NO Downriggers OR Fish Finders Then. Flat Line to about 125/175 Feet. I HATE SNAGS! Wind, Wind, Wind. Back Out Again.

Major Glass Rod:

Paired with the Penn. You could drag a Truck off the bottom with that Rod Or drive over it with a Truck and it probably wouldn't Break. Nice Combo for the BIGGIES and a Pleasure To Use!

Guess that's enough for now :razz: :razz:

nice collection, youve been at it reallllll long. haha
i think everyone who really fishes, has at least that one bag of loose line, or a draw full of spools with bits of leftover line etc etc.

or the classic,, a tackle box with balls of line and rusted hooks bunched together.
eric said:
nice collection, youve been at it reallllll long. haha
i think everyone who really fishes, has at least that one bag of loose line, or a draw full of spools with bits of leftover line etc etc.

or the classic,, a tackle box with balls of line and rusted hooks bunched together.
Hey Erie! Was that you in my Basement the Other Night? Otherwise. How could you know all about My "Stuff"?! :razz: :razz:

this is what about 5 years ago. i got rid of my tackle boxes.
when you have a box, you tend to accumulate alot of trash.
nowadays im able to fish very lightly, have all necessary hardware in a small pouch, and can go almost anywhere without the weight.
Once we get ALL the stuff out and ready to go into the trailer this evening I will be sure to take a pic!