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Introducing : Excalibur

My friend designed this reel

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Posted 27 September 2013 - 07:59 PM

Excalibur is brand new and going into production shortly. My friend and a reputable reel designer - maker, who shall remain nameless at his request , have joined forces to create Excalibur . There is a five inch and 4 and three quarter inch size . Colours are silver , black and bronze . Here is a picture of the prototype , this a 5 inch .Prices are coming soon and both reel sizes are slated to be under 500 bucks. 

These reels are individually and professionally hand made .  




                                                                                                                Picture 003.jpg


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#2 ChaseChrome



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Posted 27 September 2013 - 08:39 PM

Excalibur is brand new and going into production shortly. My friend and a reputable reel designer - maker, who shall remain nameless at his request , have joined forces to create Excalibur . There is a five inch and 4 and three quarter inch size . Colours are silver , black and bronze . Here is a picture of the prototype , this a 5 inch .Prices are coming soon and both reel sizes are slated to be under 500 bucks. 

These reels are individually and professionally hand made .  




                                                                                                                attachicon.gifPicture 003.jpg


Thumbs up for your friend bro!!...seems some nice brass machining inside...

MADE IN CANADA...suck this...




Wishing him luck on his new venture



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#3 FishingNoob


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Posted 28 September 2013 - 10:21 PM

Thumbs up for your friend bro!!...seems some nice brass machining inside...

MADE IN CANADA...suck this...




Wishing him luck on his new venture



What CC said. I'll keep him in mind if I ever go that route.

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#4 robbyc



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Posted 02 October 2013 - 02:12 AM

Excalibur is brand new and going into production shortly. My friend and a reputable reel designer - maker, who shall remain nameless at his request , have joined forces to create Excalibur . There is a five inch and 4 and three quarter inch size . Colours are silver , black and bronze . Here is a picture of the prototype , this a 5 inch .Prices are coming soon and both reel sizes are slated to be under 500 bucks. 

These reels are individually and professionally hand made .  



looks really nice, only thing i see which maybe an issue is the handle spacing . seems rather close for my liking . but it is 2am and i just finished a 14 hour shift..




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    Unaccomplished Steelheader

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Posted 02 October 2013 - 01:48 PM

looks amazing Dave, cant wait to see it on the water!

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    Smallmouth Bass

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Posted 20 October 2013 - 07:55 PM

nice looking reel,best of luck as mentioned above :cool: :)

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