New Guy checking in - condor1469 (John Page )

Ontario Fishing Forums

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New Member
Sep 14, 2013
This Forum looks really great!

I have one question that hopefully someone can help me out with. Is there a place where I can set my own password. That would simply things for me. Thanks for your help.


Also, how can I get rid of the frickin worm?
Hi Condor, Welcome to the Forum ,, I don't think there is a place to see your pass word,, that is your own to remember ..and as for the worm its there because your new ,,as you post and get acquainted to the forum it will change I started with it to ,,, Cheers... Jacques
Welcome! HAHA the worm is the ultimate welcome. It'll be gone soon though. Just share your knowledge and it shall come.

then you get addicted and can't wait until you become a steelhead. (maybe one day :neutral: )
By set if you mean change? Click your name top right ^ profile, inside there edit profile and change it from there.

Welcome to the forum!