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The most disheartening item you lost in the drink

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#41 Kleiner



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Posted 25 November 2013 - 06:39 PM

My favorite rod and reel combo to date, given to me as a Christmas gift from my wife is now residing at the bottom of Gloucester Pool :(
It silently skipped off the boat as I was driving it.
Lesson learnt on fastening down

ouch! I'm guilty of not fastening rods down too!
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#42 Kleiner



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Posted 25 November 2013 - 06:44 PM

There some really great and honest fellas out there. At the end of a day on Lake Joseph- i was unloading my boat and unknowingly left my large tackle box on the ground beside my van. It
was geting dark and i didnt notice it there. I would say i had at least $600 worth of tackle in it. While driving home- my wife called and asked if i had all my stuff- I said " of course i do-Why?" She had gotten a call that a fella up that way had found it. I was amazed since i didnt have my name or address in it- just my fishing license. This great guy had gone as far as to call the Ministry license # to get them to call my home and let me know. Went up the next day to get it back and leave a small gift of appreciation.

Nice to know there are some honest ppl out there. I wish someone had done the same for my buddys musky lures.
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#43 fishing with a fly

fishing with a fly

    Smallmouth Bass

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Posted 25 November 2013 - 07:13 PM

i havent lost anything but ive soak a couple i phones to the river i think one even got caught on flim

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