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Hole Placement

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#1 skoaler27


    Shiner Minnow

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Posted 13 January 2014 - 02:40 AM

Just curious how you guys place your holes in your hub style shanty. I have a four man Clam XL2000. This is how I drill the holes for 2 and three man fishing. With 2 men we usually run a deadstick to the side each and a jigging rod each. With 3 men we each just run a jigging rod. What is the most efficient way of having 4 guys in a tent? How do you guys place your holes for 2, 3 and 4 people? (In the pic the red rectangle my heater and the arrows are chairs)

Thanks, Dave


hut setub.png

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#2 w_ boughner

w_ boughner


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Posted 13 January 2014 - 05:21 AM

Place one guy in each corner and drill 4 holes close together in the middle for 4 man
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#3 RedCat



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Posted 17 January 2014 - 05:15 PM

I fish 2 guys inside a 6 man. We drill 4 holes along the long sides.


In the river we have to drill holes a bit away for our tranducers.


I had a 3 man for a bit but found it only suitable for me and no one else. Got the six and can squeeze 2 adults and 2 children.

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#4 MuskieBait



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Posted 17 January 2014 - 06:11 PM

I have a 2-man Clam pop-up and I have fished as many as 3 persons inside.


For 2 persons, I put one hole in each corner and the 2 of us sit in the middle on buckets face to face. The deadstick hole is placed on the corners without the doorway. The holes near the doorway is meant for jigging. Yes, you do need to step over the hole went you enter or exit. It is not that inconvenient at all.


For 3 persons, I put the holes and sit the people as you have diagrammed.


Putting 4 holes in the center is just asking for tangles...

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