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Fly Tying Photo Thread

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#41 Christopher K

Christopher K

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Posted 30 January 2014 - 04:49 PM

Funny the hare's ear should make an appearance, I just finished a 'few' of them myself :)




Here's a not so great phone pic of what a HE should look like.



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#42 ChaseChrome



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Posted 30 January 2014 - 05:31 PM

That will do it CK...good lookin bugs

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#43 FrequentFlyer


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 08:29 PM

You just need him to bring you a hare! Lol



haha no kidding, don;t think rabbits are in season right now though, could be wrong though

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#44 Christopher K

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Posted 30 January 2014 - 08:32 PM

Remember hares and rabbits aren't the same thing.
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#45 FrequentFlyer


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 08:37 PM

Remember hares and rabbits aren't the same thing.



right, but their fur should be similar enough for that to not matter right?

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#46 Christopher K

Christopher K

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Posted 30 January 2014 - 08:46 PM

It could be closer, lets put it that way. Rabbit is softer, hares is stiff and spikey, a better buggy look. You also get a mottled effect from it.
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#47 FrequentFlyer


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 08:53 PM

haha alright, i've got a hare that comes around daily in the 3 seasons, maybe i should set up some snares lol

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#48 Christopher K

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Posted 30 January 2014 - 09:15 PM

Lol, just run out to the store and pick up some pre packaged stuff, if you're picky you can mix it with other dubbings but for just starting out I don't think that'll be an issue :)
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#49 FrequentFlyer


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 09:20 PM

yea i've got 3 packages of the stuff, the hares ear is my go to fly, when nothing else is working, i alway turn back to it, and usually it doesn't disappoint

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#50 ChaseChrome



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Posted 30 January 2014 - 09:22 PM

try woodchuck...very buggy

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#51 Christopher K

Christopher K

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Posted 30 January 2014 - 09:28 PM

Got any sources Chase? I think I may have seen some at angling specs but can't remember.
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#52 ChaseChrome



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Posted 30 January 2014 - 09:42 PM

I have a few patches but have to check for a label...let ya know man

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#53 FrequentFlyer


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Posted 31 January 2014 - 12:08 AM

heres another go with hares mask as opposed to the rabbit



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#54 Christopher K

Christopher K

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Posted 31 January 2014 - 08:50 AM

Not bad, what are you using for the tail? Also, I can't really tell, is there a wing case on there?
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#55 FrequentFlyer


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Posted 31 January 2014 - 01:36 PM

Not bad, what are you using for the tail? Also, I can't really tell, is there a wing case on there?



for that one i used deer hair for the tail, and the wing case is a piece of tinsel to give it a little flash, 

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#56 Christopher K

Christopher K

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Posted 31 January 2014 - 01:55 PM

Try some hare's fur for the tail, I like how it's two toned, other than that it looks good :)

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#57 Jacklake



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Posted 01 February 2014 - 12:02 AM

Chris K - Aha, on the right side of the cup among all those excellent nymphs are two and possibly 3 kebari.  I like the bown/burgundy one in particular.

I just completed 3 doz. myself, 6 each of peacock, hare, green wool, green thread w glass bead, black, copper.


JMatt - Good work, if you have a piece of velcro, use it to rough up your nymph, especially near the thorax. It will look buggier with some fibers sticking out.

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#58 Jacklake



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Posted 01 February 2014 - 12:13 AM

haha PTs were next on my list, im getting all my new material from my hunter friend, so goose, duck, turkey, quail, pheasant, grouse, dove, deer and moose

OK, so I guess these materials are 'fresh' this year.  There are two very important things to consider as a fly tier: dirt and bugs.  Dirty materials are hard to work with and don't make nice flies.  It will not hurt to wash any of that stuff in a mild solution of water and dish soap.  Hang to dry or if the hair patches are small put them on paper towel to dry.

Most important is to keep bugs that eat fur and feathers out of your materials.  The bugs are probably gone, but there may be eggs.  The problem is solved like this:  Put each material in a zip-lock and into the freezer.  Any bug that is alive will probably be killed - but not the eggs.  After about a week take the material out of the freezer for a couple of days - but leave in the bags.  Any bugs may hatch, so back into the freezer for another week.

Mothballs generally do not kill bugs or the eggs.  Pieces of dog flea collar work, but are kind of toxic for humans (and dogs) too.

Good luck!

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#59 FrequentFlyer


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Posted 01 February 2014 - 12:29 AM

OK, so I guess these materials are 'fresh' this year.  There are two very important things to consider as a fly tier: dirt and bugs.  Dirty materials are hard to work with and don't make nice flies.  It will not hurt to wash any of that stuff in a mild solution of water and dish soap.  Hang to dry or if the hair patches are small put them on paper towel to dry.

Most important is to keep bugs that eat fur and feathers out of your materials.  The bugs are probably gone, but there may be eggs.  The problem is solved like this:  Put each material in a zip-lock and into the freezer.  Any bug that is alive will probably be killed - but not the eggs.  After about a week take the material out of the freezer for a couple of days - but leave in the bags.  Any bugs may hatch, so back into the freezer for another week.

Mothballs generally do not kill bugs or the eggs.  Pieces of dog flea collar work, but are kind of toxic for humans (and dogs) too.

Good luck!



they were 'fresh' from last years hunts, he had them in his freezer for a few months, and dropped them off at my bosses and they';ve been sitting out in the cold all week, so they should be bug free, but either way, i'll put them all in bags, warm em up, and then stick em out in the cold since i don't have room in my freezer

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#60 Christopher K

Christopher K

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Posted 01 February 2014 - 12:49 AM

Chris K - Aha, on the right side of the cup among all those excellent nymphs are two and possibly 3 kebari.  I like the bown/burgundy one in particular.

I just completed 3 doz. myself, 6 each of peacock, hare, green wool, green thread w glass bead, black, copper.


Yes there are! I'm just experimenting with them right now, picking up a hen pheasant skin tomorrow :)

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