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#1 Robert Pogue

Robert Pogue


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Posted 20 February 2014 - 07:47 PM

Hey guys just figured I'd post this since this is a recent discovery of mine. So about a week ago I emailed a bunch of random fishing company's asking for stickers. After a couple days about 30 of the 50+ companies agreed to send me free stickers one even sent me a free hat!! Anyways just figured if let y'all know this is available if you put the time in. I'm going to post a pic of what I've received so far! I'll update this as the stickers come in


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#2 Luccio


    Shiner Minnow

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Posted 20 March 2014 - 04:11 PM

Amazing! I used to do this with snowboarding companies all the time! Did you just send them an email or did they have a specific area of their website where you could send a request?

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