Planning Northern Fishing Trip, Help?

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Canadian River Angler
May 18, 2011
North Waterloo Ontario
Hey guys myself and another member are planning a trip early to mid June to head up to the Timmins area to do some fishing. We might do portaging with a canoe but mostly looking for rivers to fish with a fly or spinning gear. If anyone has been up in that neck of the woods and could tell us where to fish send me a PM would love the help been looking online but can't really find any info. We were also looking at fly-in fishing but prices seem to be pretty steep with that too. We are looking to target trout, walleye, pike or bass.

Thanks and again PM me if you know where to go. Love you long time ;)
Oh the mozzy's and blackflies are most welcoming that time of year! I go to Chapleau area at least once a year 2 hrs west of Timmins - my wife grew up there. So many options up there. I love it. If you are considering Chapleau let me know and I'll pm. There are thousands of km's of logging roads up there many of which pass closely by lakes that you just cant quite see from the road. That's where the local knowledge is key. Let me know if you are interested in that area. Walleye, smallies and pike. There are speck, splake and laker options up there but I havent chased those there in a while.
no ones going to tell you where to go, northerners are smarter than that. by the sounds of it you don't have a lot of experience with the north country, the bugs can make a person go literally insane if you time your trip wrong, you can get lost so fast in a place when there are no land marks and not a soul in sight. i recommend you go to algonquin park which has great fishing opportunities and go on a pre planned self guided trip, should be fool proof and you will have signs and people to get you out of deep **** if something bad happens. of course you can go on a fly in but thats going to be 20 times what a canoe trip is going to cost and far less rewarding when you hook the fish of your life time. good luck
I have experience hunting north family is from North Bay Area. Just never really fished north. That's why I am asking where to go. Been to Algonquin park, I have all the equipment to camp out in the woods, GPS compass and I'd get maps of the area as well of doing homework of the area before I go. Would like to go somewhere else. Millhouse send me a pm please that sounds great. Thanks.
That area is a fantastic place. I lived in Timmins for a while, and my father's side of the family is all from that area. It's actually where I started fly fishing.

Trout is incredibly hard to find info on up there (for good reason). In my time there, I only saw 2 small schools of brookies, and never landed any of them. I had heard a story of a nice brookie being landed in a certain river there (PM me and I can provide some details), but as this was my second time fly fishing, I came home empty handed (see photo below of the river I'm talking about - absolutely gorgeous!)


In terms of bass, pike, and walleye? This will depend on whether or not you have access to a boat. That being said, there is a RIDICULOUS amount of water to explore that way - easy to be overwhelmed and not know where to start. I would take what people tell you from forums, do some research, and really narrow down which waterways you want to try out.

The Mattagami River (the main river that flows through town) is host to many different species, and although I only caught smallies, I saw people in boats having more luck than I. There's an access point off of Airport Rd that is well kept and well known. There is also a generating station at one point, so be cautious.

The other main lake I hear about folks having luck with 'eyes are in Night Hawk Lake (the massive lake just east of town). A boat would be your best bet in this lake, although people commonly fish from shore by the bridge for walleye.

Not sure where you're staying, but if you can go a little further North to Cochrane, there is a lake North of town called Pierre Lake which was absolutely fantastic for pike and walleye (this being 5-6 years ago). As Millhouse mentioned, Chapleau is also a very good town to fish out of!

If you have any questions whatsoever about any waterways that way that aren't mentioned above, PM me - I still have a few good friends up that way, one of which is an avid canoer and knows the water up there very well - I'm sure he could tell me what's in a certain lake or river, and I certainly don't mind asking him.


Check out the chapleau game preserve. If you need more info contacting the local mnr would be my suggestion.

Madoc that seems insane to me you didn't get into trout up there, did you not have a boat?. We would normally get into big numbers when we targeted them, but we would usually get into from the local trappers we know.
river55 said:
Check out the chapleau game preserve. If you need more info contacting the local mnr would be my suggestion.

Madoc that seems insane to me you didn't get into trout up there, did you not have a boat?. We would normally get into big numbers when we targeted them, but we would usually get into from the local trappers we know.
Nah, no boat - was only there for a year while working as an intern for Xstrata Copper, and only took up fishing the fly with a few months left :( I know they're there, I just don't know much about them
MadocFlyGuy said:
Nah, no boat - was only there for a year while working as an intern for Xstrata Copper, and only took up fishing the fly with a few months left :( I know they're there, I just don't know much about them
I guess we always took it for granted getting the inside scoop,

The area gets more pressure than some people think. My dad fished the area a lot in the 70s and 80s with his float plane and told me than then many of the remote lakes got a lot of pressure and it wouldn't take long for a good one to get fished out if word got out. Then again a northerners idea of "pressure" and "fished out" is probably a bit different than a southerners. Most guys I know are all about big walleye and don't seem as interested in the spec fishing in the area.
I want to target the trout. Pike, Walleye etc dont really care about can fish that here. Up there its all about the big big trout, well to me anyways.