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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2013
Hey guys!

I just wanted to toot my own horn and show off these Salties I just made! The first time I've made them, and I don't have a bait shop close to me so I just got super market smelts (lol perfectly legal before anyone get's mad at me about this, I called MNR).

Here's the recipe I used:

Any body else make these bad boys, have any tips or anything?

Here's mine, made 4 dozen.
Why would you cut off the head ? I have made many bunches of these and have seen many other anglers salties and have never seen anyone cut off the heads.
Yeah, unfortunately like I said super market smelts, they didn't have head on them in the first place =( I would have preferred them with heads on, but it was all I could get at the time. Oh well, next time!