Alright Ladies and Gentleman,
Here's the deal, birthday just went by and ended up with $250 in BassPro giftcards and I'm thinking about getting a fly outfit. I need some advice from all you fly guys.
It's my first fly outfit, so I'm not really sure what too buy and could use some advice. I fish for bass, pike, and panfish most often, although I would like too add salmon and trout to that list since I live near the Credit River, and I'm going to algonquin for a week in 3 weeks. I fish lakes mostly, but as I said, since I live near the credit I will obviously be doing some river/stream fishing. I was thinking an 8wt would be a decent place to start, maybe 9'? (although length matters less to me... unless you think it should lol). I was looking at the St. Croix Rio Santos outfit, but of course BP doesn't sell it. lol Anyways, like I said, I don't really know what I should go for and I would love some input, so let me know.
Just keep in mind it's gotta be from BassPro. Thanks in advance!
aaaaaaaaaand GO!