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#1 SaugeenDrifter



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Posted 19 July 2014 - 10:49 AM

New to the site; Saugeen Drifter is my alias;  thought I'd say hi. FIsh Lake Huron Canadian side extensively from Goderich to Oliphant, fish the outflows frequently, fish the Chantry Chinook, Owen Sound Spectacular every year, Kincardine spring and Salmon hunt periodically. Have and still search northern Ontario waters for any great fishing opportunities. Fish 150-200 days per year.

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#2 Shmogley


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Posted 19 July 2014 - 11:44 AM

hey man i used to go to a lot of those area with my uncle when i was young and the tradition still stands when the big fish come in ;)


welcome to the site! 

hopefully we can wet a line when the time comes..

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#3 Alfiegee


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Posted 19 July 2014 - 01:48 PM

New to the site; Saugeen Drifter is my alias;  thought I'd say hi. FIsh Lake Huron Canadian side extensively from Goderich to Oliphant, fish the outflows frequently, fish the Chantry Chinook, Owen Sound Spectacular every year, Kincardine spring and Salmon hunt periodically. Have and still search northern Ontario waters for any great fishing opportunities. Fish 150-200 days per year.

Welcome SD. I have spend a lot of time fishing Huron and GB tribs over the last 35 years. Great times. And the best sunsets in the world from Goderich to Oliphant, and may I add Red Bay and Tobey to that.

You fish 150-200 days a year? Can I get a job where you work?

Have been around OFF for a number of years now. Lots of good info, I have met up with a lot of cool fellow anglers and had good times. You found a good site to join.



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