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Humber Arboretum

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#1 theyoungfisherman



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Posted 17 August 2014 - 02:56 PM

Hey guys,


I was looking through Google Maps for some fishing spots and I came across this place that looks very promising. It is called the Humber Arboretum, located behind Humber College North Campus.


Here's the link to their website: http://www.humberarb...ges/index1.html


I have some questions:


1. Are you allowed to fish there?


2. If fishing is allowed, what can I catch?


3. Have you fished there, or heard of someone fish there?


4. Is it worth a 20 min drive, or is it better to stick to spots I am familiar with?


Thanks guys,



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#2 Matthew Rossi

Matthew Rossi

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Posted 21 August 2014 - 05:37 PM

I know where that is but I've never fished there. Seems like a good idea to scout it out and see if there is any no fishing signs.
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#3 Dave Bailey

Dave Bailey


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Posted 22 August 2014 - 12:18 AM

I used to go birding there years ago, never even thought of fishing. Might have to take a run by.

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