Float setup

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Active Member
Dec 11, 2012
Was just wondering what most of you guys are running for salmon ; like line,leader test and hook size ect. Just bought a float set up for the first time and thinking of going out tmrw but not entirely sure how to rig up .
For salmon:

10/12lb main
8lb fluro
size 12 raven hook

split shot pattern on the main line with nothing below the swivel that connects the leader. Depending on water levels i use 3.7 or 4.2 gram float
For salmon you don't need a leader ,just run fluro 12 lb I suggest Berkley Vanish ,2 kamasan hooks size 10 directly on the line 10 inch from each other and put the weight on the bottom and that's it ,yesterday this setup worked great for me ....this is bottom setup.
While all methods for salmon will work, seeing as how they are not actually eating or hunting...A proper main line - leader set up will help you catch the steelhead and browns that are in with the salmon. I drop my leader to 6lb in the winter because all salmon are gone by end of November and the steel is in.

Fishing89, great info!

Just a question for the curious... any chance of upsizing the hook to somethign like say a an 8 or 6, or are the salmon pretty shy about it?
I fish a 1.5g-7g float on 12lb main (diameter of 10lb) to a couple shot (patterned depending on condition) to a barrel swivel and generally 8lb seaguar or maxima flouro from there a number 8 octo hook or a size 2 gammy ultra wide (Loomis IMX 6-10, Raven IM8 4-8)

However I run another setup that is 15lb braid with a slip float to a swivel weight where I attach 2 feet of 12-15lb flouro and a big ole chunk of skein on the above mentioned gammy ultra wide! (shimano Clarus 10' heavy)
My setup is the second one I mentioned pump, I just take out the slip float and swivel weight (obviously) and run a kwik/flat/wiggler or a number 4-5 vibrax
cptpronin said:

Fishing89, great info!

Just a question for the curious... any chance of upsizing the hook to somethign like say a an 8 or 6, or are the salmon pretty shy about it?
I have never tried using larger hooks, but i think they will be the better option if you want to fish for browns with worms
Whats your setup for hardware fishing in the rivers?

This is something I would like to try this fall.
I always used 8 pound mono and small mepps or size 2 blue fox vibrax worked the best for me
Whats your setup for hardware fishing in the rivers?

This is something I would like to try this fall.
For steelhead, brown and brookie i use a size #0 panther martin. smaller is more enticing in the rivers.
10lb mainline.......5gram float.......7-8 bb split shots about a couple inches apart depending depth of water.....micro swivel.....6 or 8lb leader about 1-1.5ft long and then your hook.
Paul1913 said:
Anyone willing to post pics of their float rig set up.

Ill be making a tutorial video soon on how to rig up for salmon/trout. I'll post that