It Makes Us All Look Bad

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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2014
I should have taken a picture but didn't, so I will just put this out there as it is.

Was fishing my local east trib yesterday (one I have been fishing for over 30 years) and was just disgusted by the condition of the surrounding area. It was a literal garbage dump and easy enough to see what all the garbage was from........fisherman. The banks of the section I was fishing were littered with everything from plastic baggies, worm containers, pop cans, coffee cups, McDonald bags....not to mention all the slit fish but that is another issue. This type of behaviour puts us all in a bad light with the non-angling public.

I did what I could yesterday and carted out a small portion of the garbage and plan on returning to clean up the rest.

Sorry to rant but it is really upsetting when you see this and you know that you should pack out what you pack in. This makes us all look bad.

Again sorry about the rant but it just pisses me off to see this. This is how access is lost to areas. Please pick up after know who you are.

Really, how effing hard is it to put that plastic bag or pop can in your pack and take it out to the nearest garbage receptacle with you?

Guess they are all waiting for their moms to clean up after them.
I was fishing a east trib yesterday and I saw a bunch of guys who I think were volunteers or workers picking up garbage.

I gotta give these guys props for what they were doing.

I was fishing a east trib yesterday and I saw a bunch of guys who I think were volunteers or workers picking up garbage.

I gotta give these guys props for what they were doing.


the rock....really?
azp said:
I was fishing a east trib yesterday and I saw a bunch of guys who I think were volunteers or workers picking up garbage.

I gotta give these guys props for what they were doing.


the rock....really?
well if ain't the rock ...
yea look at oakville. so many area that used to be open are closed for fisherman now. because of all the folks complaining about garbage everywhere.

coming to a neighborhood near you soon
50 mm of rain will clear those banks nice and good :evil: All joking aside we do a creek clean up out in Newcastle each year. Two hot spots yeild 15-20 garbage bags.
Happens around mid October. I honestly don't understand people - spots will be taken away from us if this continues. Worst part is most the garbage out there is usually easier to take back than bring in ( beers cans, McDonalds, Tims coffee... ) A fellow board member does one for his local trib out west - would love to see more clean ups organised :)

I've already seen many no tresspassing signs put up here in Niagara right on top of fishing spots. The MNR should make all the tribs sanctuaries from August 31 to October 15 or something like that. I stuff the 1 inch piece of extra line after a knot in my coat pocket, it absolutely disgusts me when some loogan gets a birdsnest and takes all the line of his spool and leaves it on the ground- WHEN THE NEAREST GARBAGE CAN IS 10 FEET AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's sad, some people.
About 5 years ago I reveilled a nice fishing spot in Mississauga to another OFF member. He in turn told me a good spot to catch Bass and "eyes on a western trib. It is at the end of a dead-end road and a number of Jack axes have been trashing the place. There are a number of cottages along the road and this year one of the cottagers ( I believe ) has started spreading nails in the parking area and also spreading chemicals on the cars of those who park there.
Even though there are a number of people who do leave trash there, some of us do carry trash out. I apologize for the axes, but I am not one of them, what if it is my tire that blows out at 110 on the 403? With 30 lbs of garbage that I am going to put out at the curb at my house?
