New Angler from London

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New Member
Oct 12, 2014
Hello All-

New here and just really getting back into fishing after some years of sporadic angling. I currently live in London ON and am introducing my sons to fishing and trying to get my daughter involved too. I would love any advice on good spots to fish and baits to use in the Thames Valley system.

Welcome, I used to fish the Thames a few years back when i lived in London. The best fishing, in my opinion, is for smallmouth bass. Just use a jig and grub or other soft plastic bounced on the bottom in fishy looking areas. As for spots, just do a google search but there are smallmouth bass all over the Thames in London. Also, carp fishing can be fun...use a heavy weight to stay on the bottom, a few kernels of corn on the hook and hold on. This time of year you best bet is carp and sucker, there are pike around too but they are harder to find.