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Ugly stick catfish Rod (casting)

catfish casting fishing rod

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#1 slicebranford


    Shiner Minnow

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Posted 15 January 2015 - 04:40 PM

Hey everyone I recently bought myself the shakespeare ugly stik catfishing rod (link below) and was wondering what type of casting reel would be good for catching roughly 5-10lb+ catfish looking to spend around 100$ nothing more. could use advice from people who actually have used the reel before as well, feed back is appreciated! :)



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#2 ChasinTails


    Largemouth Bass

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Posted 15 January 2015 - 09:49 PM

i have the bass pro bionic plus and its one hell of a reel, use it for ice fishing, bass, salmon and just about everything even catfish and carp. i think i paid $60 i just checked the BPS website and theres quite a few around the $50 mark 

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