the musky population is too high for pike to establish.
This is unfortunately not true, pike are a threat to muskie wherever both species are present.
"Routine index netting and creel surveys have collected single specimens of northern pike and tiger muskellunge (pike-muskellunge hybrids) on Pigeon Lake and Lake Scugog.
The presence of the northern pike – muskellunge (E. masquinongy) hybrid, the tiger muskellunge, E. masquinongy X E. lucius, has also been confirmed in Lake Scugog, Balsam and Pigeon Lakes (Deacon 1996; OMNR unpublished data).
Pike are suspected to have a detrimental impact on muskellunge populations due primarily to direct predation of young-of-year (YOY) muskellunge by YOY northern pike, as pike gain a size advantage due to earlier spawning (Harrison and Hadley 1978; Inskip and Magnuson 1983; Osterberg 1985; Dombeck et al. 1986; Inskip and Magnuson 1986; Wahl 1989; Wahl and Stein 1993; Monfette et al. 1995)."
Google "5.0 MUSKELLUNGE AND NORTHERN PIKE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY" for the document it's actually stemming from OFF.