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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2013
Post your 2015 Carp pics in here...

Here's my first carp of the season




All 3 were caught on canned corn on a bolt hair rig.
This ones from the week before trout opener. Gorgeous colors on this fish. Don't always get to appreciate carp but they deliver when nothing else will ;)


caught on a yellow stonefly nymph.

Big thanks to OFF member TCP for putting me onto these badboys!
Shmogley said:
Big thanks to OFF member TCP for putting me onto these badboys!
No problem buddy, anytime. that area is on fire right now, lotta bass spawning amongst the carp tho.

Here some of my fish from this year so far. All caught on various flys.







And heres one from this morning.....

Great pics gents! TCP, you destroy carp on a fly man - awesome job!

I am still yet to attempt it, but am dying to!
Stalked this one in the grand river. As I was walking the bank I saw it feeding in the middle of a shallow section of moving water between two riffles. I had to duck down behind the tall grass for awhile until it wasnt facing me then I had to cast a few times to get the fly to swing right so that he would see it and not a splash of the fly entering the water. Once I got the swing right, I saw his gills flare as his head turned quickly to snap up the black leech fly as it was passing him through the current. Overall, my favourite catch so far this year, from start to finish it was a text book river meat eater catch. His nose wasnt down, tail up like the usual carp I catch. this one was snapping up morsels as they drifted down river. I look forward to the real meat eaters of the great lakes flats, hoping to get out this weekend to try my hand at some carp that chase large stripped streamers. Check back here to see the results!

yea watching those flats carp chase a fly. its almost like saltwater fishing. i gotta give it a go this summer at some point too
tcp said:
Stalked this one in the grand river. As I was walking the bank I saw it feeding in the middle of a shallow section of moving water between two riffles. I had to duck down behind the tall grass for awhile until it wasnt facing me then I had to cast a few times to get the fly to swing right so that he would see it and not a splash of the fly entering the water. Once I got the swing right, I saw his gills flare as his head turned quickly to snap up the black leech fly as it was passing him through the current. Overall, my favourite catch so far this year, from start to finish it was a text book river meat eater catch. His nose wasnt down, tail up like the usual carp I catch. this one was snapping up morsels as they drifted down river. I look forward to the real meat eaters of the great lakes flats, hoping to get out this weekend to try my hand at some carp that chase large stripped streamers. Check back here to see the results!

I might check it out if we don't get any rain.
I came across a a couple of carp swarms yesterday when fishing one of the north GRCA rivers. I'm not sure, but I think they were spawning and some smaller fish were circling around them as well as if to feed on the eggs. my 5wt would probably snap in half if I hooked one on.
Thinking of trying for carp this weekend. Can you find carp in any main river/creek? Any special types of water that hold more carp that others? I have yet to get into a nice carp yet, would love to catch a few nice ones.

Please PM me if you don't want to discuss on thread. Thanks!

Today I spiderman'd this fish. Rivers are blown out my way, sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do.

Nice dark common taken on a size 6 armoured san juan worm in worm brown

First Great Lakes trip was a success (went a couple weeks ago, got quite a few fish, with this being the largest)


22lb Common taken on size 1/0 Merkin Crab in black and grey.
I know this spot................I've tried this spot.......and have not succeeded lol. Great fish man, the water around us is extremely hard to fish right now and by the looks of it, not getting any better lol

tcp said:

Today I spiderman'd this fish. Rivers are blown out my way, sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do.

Nice dark common taken on a size 6 armoured san juan worm in worm brown