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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2013
I don't know if anyone else has been to Fish ON-Line recently (i started noticing it a couple weeks ago), but it seems like the boys over there have done a major update. There's now 4 viewing modes; the standard map, and satellite, but now there's also LIO Topographical and LIO Imagery modes as well. Also, in some areas when you zoom in close, it automatically switches over to an HDR aerial photograph of the area (you can check it out from the Toronto Islands eastward), pretty darn neat if you ask me!

Here's some photo's for your enjoyment!

The Toronto Islands
Screen shot 2015-05-21 at 9.14.04 PM.png

A popular GTA Lake old and new for comparisson
Screen shot 2015-05-21 at 9.21.26 PM.pngScreen shot 2015-05-21 at 9.21.38 PM.png

The boat launch at a favourite lake of mine
Screen shot 2015-05-21 at 8.44.40 PM.png

How cool is this?!?! Any body else geeking out over this???? Go check it out!

PS: this is a FO-L thing only, google maps is still useless.
now if they would do new surveys about what species are actually present in these new sexy looking lakes instead of referencing data from over 20 years ago in some cases(not all but many are wrong). it would be perfect
Ha ha, you can always do the survey on the lake you fished? I try to do it as often as possible =) or I email them a report if there's no info
This LIO imagery is amazing!!!! OMG. Finally I can see the water properly on the maitland. Also some various other places I fish that had poor resolution on google earth. thanks man
I use this thing all the time to find new lakes to fish or to find structure and stuff on my go too lakes. The place i go to the most we heard stories about people putting 6 or 7 bass cribs into the lake years ago. Lol with this new imagery you can actually see them... there's 18 of them lawl.
Maybe I should tell them that there are lakers in Lake Joe!!

With previous versions you could click on a link for lakes that had depth contours and download a PDF map. I can't see how to do that now. Instead, there are a few lakes (Tea Lake and Gloucester Pool) that have contours shown directly on the map but many more that, according to the site, have contour maps but nothing is shown. Am I overlooking something on the site?
Ha ha, I used to live up there, I've caught a couple on joe.

You can turn contours on and off on the left hand panel. That being said; I find the majority of lakes DON'T have contours on them (maybe 5% have them), generally only popular lakes. I've heard from a couple MNR guys that they're trying to map all the conservation bodies of water with radar, but it's pretty slow going I guess.

I've never seen the place where you could download a pdf version, but that would be neat.
Cyphus said:
Ha ha, you can always do the survey on the lake you fished? I try to do it as often as possible =) or I email them a report if there's no info
yea thats true but its frustrating when you drive for 3 hours north to a lake based on info that is totally false or outdated.

i learned my lesson ;)

but i have been playing with that new imagery on some lakes that i already frequent and it is quite awesome. i will continue to use the app just for that purpose