After being a warm water angler my whole life and after fishing for northerns, bass, perch , crappies etc. - I shifted slightly and bought a starter fly fishing outfit.
I started reading about southern Ontario watersheds. About organizations, which support the fisheries, events, work with MNR and local stocking efforts and why it happens in some areas and not in others. I spent way too much time reading about what makes trout happy - as in their ecosystem. I started absorbing maps created by these organizations and my luck turned around when I realized that trout are water quality sensitive, much more than warm water fish.
There's a wealth of info which was published that can feed that curiosity. It was pretty much only that last year - a curiosity. I landed a handful of brookies and rainbows, but it wasn't a lot.
While this year, I have already lost count of how many trout of each type I caught and it's been fun
If it is your first season - don't worry about having trouble. I believe that Shmogley is right - if the fish were there you would get *some* hits. I would research a new spot and move on.
Technically what worked really well yesterday was - parachute hendrickson, dark body white para size 14 dry, size 14 dry caddis elk hair brown or olive, dry hendrickson off-orange color size 14 or 16. Dry dropper with size 12 dry adams and black and pink prince nymph or lightning bug size 14, maybe 16 . I don't remember. But all of that was killing it for me yesterday.