Port Hope Says Enough is Enough

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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2012
About damn time they did something, things have gotten WAAAAAY out of hand down there, and after they extended the welcome to the fisherman by providing multiple portable washrooms along the river and a ton of trash bins, people are still being *******.


Well it's official the town council has directed the parks department to contact the proper authorities for direction on what Port Hope's options are going forward to protect the fall Salmon fishery and the towns natural resources. They will be exploring the possibility of incorporating a Municipal Fishing License, closing town properties to prohibit all salmon fishing in problem areas, and expanding the current fish sanctuary areas on the Ganaraska River. This is due in large to this weekends fishing conduct. Fish heads dumped in portable bathrooms, garbage and waste left all over, blatant disregard of laws with blatant snagging and over harvesting among other things. The Town officials are listening to the multiple calls to action and although it may be too late to fix the situation this year our council and mayor are committed to ensuring this is the last year we see this type of conduct in Port Hope.
Sad and unsettling. Feel sorry for the town to deel with this, and for those that treated the resource with respect to possibly loose it.
Unfortunately Salmon bring out the loo-goons, and not just Port Hope.
Sad but true.
Can't wait for Chrome and Brown season when it will be too cold for all those fair weather "anglers."
And the folk seem much more sensible and educated.

So greater concentration of loogans in other tribs?

I haven't fished the Ganny a single time. This means more hooliganism at other spots.
It will drive loogans to the next trib and they will never learn. MNR should start authorizing and encouraging volunteers if all they need is manpower. I'd give 1 day of my week during salmon season to help out...every trib i visit always have a'holes ready to ruin your day...
the liability associated with volunteers would be crazy which is why they'd never authorize it.

We'll get to a point where all rivers are off limits eventually. It's just what people do.
Shawarma said:
the liability associated with volunteers would be crazy which is why they'd never authorize it.

We'll get to a point where all rivers are off limits eventually. It's just what people do.
it works in Quebec, but then again, less population, it can work, just need the right people
FrequentFlyer said:
it works in Quebec, but then again, less population, it can work, just need the right people
exactly what i'm suggesting. Just because people are willing doesn't mean they should. there should be extensive screening who are qualified to volunteer. it doesn't need to be direct authority to issue tickets...volunteers just need the backing as to report someone, wearing a dress code that represents MNR and visible during times like these...it doesn't need to be catching illegal fishing but discouraging illegal fishing.
DILLIGAF?! said:
exactly what i'm suggesting. Just because people are willing doesn't mean they should. there should be extensive screening who are qualified to volunteer. it doesn't need to be direct authority to issue tickets...volunteers just need the backing as to report someone, wearing a dress code that represents MNR and visible during times like these...it doesn't need to be catching illegal fishing but discouraging illegal fishing.
it would take 5-10 years before it would take off here in Ontario, I think there is more than enough young fisherman and woman who are more than interested in preserving the fishery.

the other side of the coin is sad though, its now a numbers thing, thanks to social media, its about how many can I get, (how many 'Likes" can i get?) rather than being about the experience and journey to become an accomplished angler, its about instant gratification, and at the same time preserving the fishery......kind of a slippery slope
In all honesty, thank god.

Hear me out for a second though. Don't get me wrong, I love fishing the ganny. But I am a responsible angler and completely C & R. It does suck that a sh*t load of idiots will now ruin fishing that waterway for the rest of us, but the things I have seen on the ganny make me sick. I have seen full blown slaughtering of salmon under a bridge. I am talking way past limit and the carcasses simply thrown into a bag and the roe kept in another bag (which you know the bag with the carcasses was going to be tossed the second they are out of sight). I have pulled HUGE treble hooks out of the backs and tails of salmon. The list is just endless. Hence why I try not to fish there anymore. Because of the people it attracts.

What they need to do is (get ready for some flack) make the limit per person ZERO. No fish are allowed to be kept. This would weed out some of the anglers and would make the ones doing illegal things a lot more obvious. I don't see why we need to keep these spawning fish. Go to a friggin' grocery store.
DILLIGAF?! said:
It will drive loogans to the next trib and they will never learn. MNR should start authorizing and encouraging volunteers if all they need is manpower. I'd give 1 day of my week during salmon season to help out...every trib i visit always have a'holes ready to ruin your day...
thats a program id sign up for.

GuitarBuildingAngler said:
What they need to do is (get ready for some flack) make the limit per person ZERO. No fish are allowed to be kept. This would weed out some of the anglers and would make the ones doing illegal things a lot more obvious. I don't see why we need to keep these spawning fish. Go to a friggin' grocery store.
yeah that would help a bit.

im starting to think they should have seperate licenses for salmon and shorten up the season like they do on the east coast.

of course that is hoping people will obey the law, which already is wishing for a lot.
Like I said, a volunteering program just might work as compared to what is being done now. Visibility is a very effective deterent. MNR doesn't have the manpower to do it but if they can get volunteers to be out there on their behalf and I think it will do a great deal. And what GBA has suggested, a 0-limit will weed out who takes what...and it will expose illegal activities.
I agree with what GBA and dilli are saying but it can't just be for port hope it has to be province wide otherwise we'll just be chasing the problem from one river to the next
An update to this, apparently there was heavy heavy enforcement there all day and into the evening yesterday from mnr and i think maybe opp, its a good thing!
DILLIGAF?! said:
MNR should start authorizing and encouraging volunteers if all they need is manpower. I'd give 1 day of my week during salmon season to help out...every trib i visit always have a'holes ready to ruin your day...
100% agree. Only policing can solve the situation! A big fine and loss of license teach them a lesson they never forget and the word gets spread quite quickly!